Akashian Manifesto (Akasha House)
We, the Akashians are the Eternal Death and the Eternal Life,
The Eternal Flame of the purest Black Light,
With endless forms, with many names,
Beyond the barriers of space and time.
We, the Akashians always resurge, always exist,
More Sacred than Divine law, our opposition to cease,
The Angels´ scourging, the Paraclete´s disgrace,
The unknown dead for their lives, empty lives which we regret.
We, the Akashians, have recalled, and have defeated,
Above all the powers is our will power,
The most pure love and the ruthless hate,
Forbidden knowledge, awakened from this dream.
We, the Akashians, blessed or cursed but everywhere,
In silence ever growing and evolving,
In great quiet, fighting and devouring,
We, the Spirit of ancient conquest.
We, the Akashians, The eternal present,
The inner passion, the terrible presence,
We are rebellion,
A secret forever.
In eternal love, In eternal darkness;
The Akasha Wamphyric Order

Check out our: Official Youtube Channels!
The Devil´s Temple´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Satania´s Coven Official Youtube Channel:
The Black Angel´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Aeshma LHP Sexual Club´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Akasha House - Vampyr Clan´s Official Youtube Channel:

What´s Puzzling You Is The Nature Of My Game
The Devil´s Temple