Blessed Be The Most Unholy Holidays
▲ Devilist Celebrations: The desire to celebrate at religious festivals is obviously built into the conscious psyche; celebrate is an act to thank your existence, an act of expression of personal and collective creativity, synergy, hapiness and joy. A magickal act of love; love for the ones who deserve to be loved. A celebration is to connect and project, to align your spirit with the planetary and astral potencies; it is a claim of life, of existence itself.
Devilism is a personal spiritual movement but it has multple feasts to connect with the others, with the elements, with the tantric experience, and to enjoy finally your materialization, experiencing them enriches your personal and unique perspective and brings gnosis; living these events, performing the sacred traditions you will find more of your true self being liberated.
Many of the Devilist Holidays are or fall on the same days as the Wiccan holidays or other traditional holidays like the pagan or Satanic traditions, but there are other dates or complements that has been added or expanded -thanks to the daemonic knowledge and guidance or other traditions like the different eastern paths- to build the perfect calendar of sacred events. These holidays tend to combine the higher aspects with the primal ones, merging both sides of the adept and provoking their necessary balance that a superior god has to have.
Here are compiled a series of Devilist festivals, celebrations and traditions that include the worship and/or honor of their involved deities or spirits.
Have fun, and don´t forget to let go yourself!

The Wheel Of The Year: The 8 Major Divisions
▲ About The Wheel Of The Year: Many contemporary Pagan traditions, such as Wicca and Druidry, divide the year into 8 equal pie pieces known as the Wheel Of The Year. The Wheel follows the agricultural cycle which is acknowledged both directly and as a metaphor for the process of self-improvement and spiritual growth. (Mind that agriculture is consequently guided by planetary events.)
In this time of ecological and environmental crises, practitioners of grounded spirituality can move towards deeper interconnection and bring the Wheel of the Year with them.
▼ Where Did The Wheel Come From?:
Each section of the year begins with a holiday or festival called a Major Sabbat (or Major Sabbath). 4, known as the quarters, are tied to the solar cycle – 2 equinoxes and 2 solstices. In Wicca as in Devilism, they are called: Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon. The others, known as the cross-quarter days, fill in between them. They are Samhain, Imbolc (or Imbolic), Beltane, and Lughnasadh (or Lughnasa). A Total of 8 Major divisions of the year.

The Wheel Of The Year
The celebration of each of the Major Sabbaths is a modern take on an ancient Pagan festival. They are tied to Christian feast days, likely due to “borrowing” which occurred between the faiths, first to conquer and then to reclaim.
Ostara (Ishtar/Astarte/Innanna), for example, is the spring equinox and celebrates the birth of bunnies, chicks, lambs, and other animal babies, as well as the sprouting of seeds.
▼ The Wheel And Personal Growth:
Disconnected from the agricultural cycle by location or vocation, Pagans have considered the Wheel Of The Year a metaphor for personal growth. What we plant and harvest may be relationships, business ventures, or art.
For those who let the squirrels eat their eggplants again, the Wheel simply reminds us to put the magick of intention and gratitude behind whatever we want to manifest over the year.
There is value in practices that encourage gratitude and bridge us to our ancestors. But there is also value in changing and growing our traditions to address the needs of the day.
In our current state of environmental devastation, climate manipulation, and mass extinction, are our human- and Euro-centric celebrations of planting and harvesting, whether actual or metaphoric, sufficient to address a deeper ecological awareness that is needed?
(*Note: Click here to read our whole article about The Wheel Of The Year).
▲ Devilist Beginning Of The Year: Note that the Devilist Year begins according to the Pagan tradition at All Hallows Eve: October 31 to 1 November 1. Although we love the figure of Julius Caesar, his invention to begin the counting of the year on January is simply our of cycle and provokes time dislocation, disconneting the individuals from the stationary cycle and their symbiosis with planet Earth.
▲ Devilist Years: Note The Devilists understands and are able to work in the the different years patterns used by each society. (European-American, the Islamic, The Asians...) The Devilist is informed of the different social perceptions of the year cycle in pro of the interaction that they may have with the "outside" individuals (or No-Devilists), but the Devilist counting of the year does not mark the birth of any prophet, it marks the new age of Apocalipse (Truth Revealed), So, 2022 is the first year -Year 1 Of The Apocalipse-, 2023: Year 2, and so on. (The Apocalipse cycle exactly started November the 1st of 2021 but was announced during the first months of 2022).
The Sacred Celebrations: Devilist Holidays Calendar
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Álfablót: Winter-nights is the first celebration that happens during the Norse or Norrøn winter, culture-wide.
Like many of the Winter celebrations, it is one of coming together as a community and boosting the morale of everyone to aid in the survival of winter. Winter Nights or Old Norse vetrnætr was a specific time of year in medieval Scandinavia. According to Zoega's Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, vetr-nætr referred to "the three days which begin the winter season". The term is attested in the narrative of some of the Fornaldarsögur, mostly to express passage of time ("as autumn turned into winter"). This is one of the 3 rarely dates where a strong personal sacrifice is prescribed (the woman of the house will offer her blood and orgasms), specifically 3 great sacrifices of the year are prescribed:
"Þá skyldi blóta í móti vetri til árs, en at miðjum vetri blóta til gróðrar, hit þriðja at sumri, þat var sigrblót."
"There should be a sacrifice at the beginning of winter for a good year, and in the middle of winter for a good crop, the third in summer day, that was the sacrifice for victory."
Here, the amount of blood is relevant as well as the personal energy and emotion released into the magickal operation.
Specific sacrifices held at the beginning of winter during the Old Norse period were Álfablót and Dísablót. Of these, Dísablót came to be a public sacrifice, performed by the highest Initiates, high ranked individuals or Masters. By contrast, Álfablót is a sacrifice held at each homestead separately for the local spirits, under the explicit exclusion of any strangers.
Álfablót means "Elf blood" or "Elven Sacrifice", being the first sacrifice of the year, dedicated to the elves, whose magick was believed to be close to our ancestors. The celebration is local, and outsiders were rarely, if ever, permitted. The sacrifice is performed by "the lady of the house" or "the woman" of the home for their circle and ancestors and the Nords long deceased spirits and Immortals (Ascended Spirits).
The elven elementals´magick had influence over not just the ancestors and diceased spirits but the very life force of the circle. And attempting to get close to these magicks and pay them respects would protect and even empower your family or Horak.

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Days Of Wolves: Rodnovery celebration of the Cult of the Ancestors.
Dajbog, also known as Daybog or Dazhbog, is one of the more important deities in the Rodnovery pantheon. It’s a deity connected to Wolves and they have their place in the celebration.
Animals, as a crucial part of nature, also have a significant place in Rodnovery. Their impact on all aspects of our lives throughout the ages can’t go without notice, and in Rodnovery they receive special praise!
During these days, we will go deeper into our personal and pagan connection to nature, as the core of the ancient religion and tradition is mostly naturalistic.
According to the Rodnovery calendar, Days of Wolves are celebrated for 1 week, starting on November 5th and ending on November 11th with the Day of Dajbog. Like most Days of Animals festivals, they end with a deity celebration.
Days of Wolves are a celebration of the Cult of the Ancestors. It’s believed that spirits of our ancestors, or spirits of the dead, briefly come to visit Yav in the form of wolves.

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Dajbog: Rodnovery God - first ancestor of all the Slavic people in the world. Solar god.
Dažbog is one of the major gods of Slavic mythology and there is evidence that He was worshipped in all Slavic countries. It is assumed that he was a solar deity and possible cultural hero (ascended spirit or an old warrior). If His name is translated literally, it means “giver of fortune”, which could be related to the Sun and sunlight, as Slavs saw the Sun as the source of life and the most positive force on Earth.
When Christianity was spread to Slavic regions, He was falsely portrayed as the biggest enemy of the Christian God and given daemonic characteristics, a kind of ‘Satanization’ of the positive pagan Slavic faith.

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Hekate´s Night: The Greek Goddess Hecate/Hekate of crossroads, witchcraft and death often seen with Her sacred dogs.
She is the Triple Moon Goddess, the Dark Lady, venerated in Greece and the Roman Empyre.
Hekate is a complex and multi-faceted deity; during this magickal night, we’ll unravel not just Her history, mythology and iconography but how to work with the deity -calling forth Her powers for personal transformation, to make positive changes in your life, and to gain some of Her deep wisdom.
We’ll examine who Hekate is through history, mythology, art, and religion, particularly through the lens of classical texts and myths -avoiding modern interpretations and adept´s distortions and fantasies-. We’ll work with Hekate and learn how Her magical aspects can be invoked through tarot and divination, rituals, prayers and evocations. We’ll look at creating a grimoire -a magickal journal to channel Hekate through the written word and how to contact Hekate through various magickal, creative and meditative practices.
Through the different activities of the night, you will explore how to work with the unconscious, dreams and mystical expression.
You’ll learn how to integrate with Hekate’s energies and influence to begin to transform your own life, unveil your daemonic’s innate purpose and spiritual path, and, through alchemy, become your greatest self.

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Navajo Night Chant: The Navajo Night Chant also referred to as the Yeibicheii Ceremony, is a healing ceremony that happens in late fall or early winter and extends for 9 nights.

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Celtic Month Elder: Elder: The Celtic Tree for November 25 - December 22.
The Elder tree embodies the seasonal energy of diminishing of light, the last leaves dropping, the plant's concentrated essence sinking into the root, the quietude and mystery of the earth itself in a wintery landscape.
The Elder is a pretty, deciduous tree of 15-39 ft in height that naturally transforms with every season. Its lush, green leaves unfurl in early spring, an abundance of large, scented white flowers blossom in summer and glossy black berries ripen every autumn. The Elder Tree will happily grow in any garden or flower pot and it is wonderful for wildlife, especially the honey bees and garden birds.

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Feast Of Sekhmet: Sekhmet is the Egyptian Goddess of war, plague, chaos, and ironically also healing.
She is also referred to as the Goddess of the hot desert sun and is a Solar deity often depicted with a round disk symbol above Her head.
Her name means: "She who is powerful”. Legend tells us that Sekhmet was created by Ra because He was angry that the people were neglecting Him. Sekhmet was created as a bloodthirsty lioness who instilled fear and respect among the people. Controlling Her, however, proved to be a challenge! Sekhmet has a complicated family history. She is a spirit alien being, feline race, just as Marbas and many others.
This day is the day to give offerings to Sekhmet and no one else. Feasting, drinking, singing, and music were all big parts of celebrating Sekhmet.
If we follow the vegetarian diet, this is one of the sacred days to break the pattern; this also has significance: "Habulayah".
Popular foods included roasted goat or antelope, duck, fish, dates, figs, cucumbers, and pomegranates. Ancient Egyptians loved desserts and pastries, sweetbread, and honey cakes were common (*honey never has to be warmed up!).
For adults, the drinking of red wine is a popular way to celebrate Sekhmet as She was also fond of drinking! For children or those that prefer a more family-friendly drink try pomegranate juice.
As the patron of healing and healers, Sekhmet is a wise choice to pray to when there is an illness in the family. In addition, learning more about herbal medicine and starting a medicinal herb garden are good ways to honor Her.
Sekhmet was a force of female power. To honor Her learn about famous women who fought hard for others’ freedoms.
A good idea is to help groups like Falcifer´s Girls or simply be extra kind with women.

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Saturnalia: December is the traditional period of the Horned God as a symbol of misrule, chaos and order rising in a period of rebirth. Saturn, the god of time and beginnings manifests as the Horned God via the Saturnalia. The old Roman holiday of celebrating the god of misrule has some origins in Baal Hammon, Baal Hadad and the witches cult of the horned god. The god Saturn, deity of seed and sowing, was honored December 17th in the Julian Calendar. This celebration lasts for the period of 7 days, lasting until December 23rd.
Traditional offerings are intended to celebrate the balance between chaos and order, death and rebirth with a focus on the forthcoming modern New Year and the potential of the individual and family. Offerings include incense, libations (poured to the gods upon the earth) and invocations.
A common custom is the election of a "King of the Saturnalia", who gave orders to people, which were followed and presided over the merrymaking.
The gifts exchanged were usually gag gifts or small figurines made of wax or pottery known as sigillaria.
The poet Catullus called it "the best of days".
Saturnalia was the Roman equivalent to the earlier Greek holiday of Kronia, which was celebrated during the Attic month of Hekatombaion in late midsummer. It held theological importance for some Romans, who saw it as a restoration of the ancient Golden Age, when the world was ruled by Saturn. The Neoplatonist philosopher Porphyry interpreted the freedom associated with Saturnalia as symbolizing the "freeing of souls into immortality". Saturnalia may have influenced some of the customs associated with later celebrations in western Europe occurring in midwinter, particularly traditions associated with Christmas, the Feast of the Holy Innocents, and Epiphany. In particular, the historical western European Christmas custom of electing a "Lord of Misrule" may have its roots in Saturnalia celebrations.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Yule: December is a month full of relevant sacred days; Yule or Yuletide is one of the most important seasons for Paganism.
It contains several celebrations during the season: The Wild Hunt, Matrons´ Night, Satanic Statement, Sol Invictus, etc
During this period the celebrations include: The Yule´s Tree, the Yule Log, bonfires, decorating with holly, mistletoe, and the boughs of evergreen trees, ritual sacrifices, feasts, sharing meals, and gift-giving.
In most forms of Wicca, this holiday is celebrated at the winter solstice as the rebirth of the Great horned hunter god, or to resonate with the spirit of Odin who are viewed as the newborn solstice sun. The method of gathering for this Sabbath varies by practitioner. Some have their private ceremonies at home, while others do so with the Daemonic Coven or Devilist Group: Generally meeting in group or magick circle, which anoint their own priests and priestesses, practitioners chant and cast or draw circles to invoke their deities, mainly during festivals like Samhain and Yule, which coincide with Halloween and Christmas, and when the Moon is full.
The Christians stole this holiday (as many others) from the pagans -Santa Claus has come to signify indulgence, and he seems to be a capitalist Satan or Coca-cola-Saturn, a combination of Dionysos and Silenus from Roman and Greek myths (the Romans celebrated the orgiastic Saturnalia at this time).
The Nazarene has little place in the general public’s celebrations of this season, which were meant by pagans to be celebrations of abundance during a season of cold and emptiness.
So for the Yule holiday season we enjoy the richness of life and the company of people whom we cherish, as we will often be the only ones who know where the traditions really came from! Behind Santa´s mask how not, is Father Satan, His elder aspect, as "The Spirit of Yule" or Odin.
An excerpt from "The Festival" by H.P. Lovecrafts reads:
"It was the Yuletide, that men call Christmas though they know in their hearts it is older than Bethlehem and Babylon, older than Memphis and mankind. It was the Yuletide, and I had come at last to the ancient sea town where my people had dwelt and kept festival in the elder time when festival was forbidden; where also they had commanded their sons to keep festival once every century, that the memory of primal secrets might not be forgotten."
To all Devilists -keep Festival this night of nights, and the primal secrets shall never be forgotten, for this holiday has belonged to our kind from time immemorial and its corruption is just another proof of our survivalism.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Yule: x
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Yule: Celebration of being unconquered by superstition and consistent in the pursuit and sharing of knowledge.
The cult of Sol existed within Rome or the Aztec civilizations since their early days as society, and Invictus was an epithet (itile) used for Jupiter, Mars, and Apollo (among others). Sol Invictus is an equivalent of Lucifer. The festival celebrated these gods and may have also been used to celebrate the winter solstice. Lucifer (Satan / Melek Taus) as bringer of light (wisdom / clarity) is named Sol Invictus too.
Energetic rituals with and to the Sun and the Black Sun are performed, Solar powers as the daemon Sorath are welcomed for specific operations of destruction of all and everyone who is not needed anymore.
Beside the social feast and celebrations one of the major anual rituals for the Devilists are performed: The Satanic Statement/s.

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Yule: x

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Yule: x

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Yule: x

▲ Devilist Celebrations: Bahartaz: Nothing better than end when they start, begin what the normies consider the new year resting, chilling and relaxing; because lazyness is a such a comforting sin. A tradition is to stay in bed naked and be each one with oneself, partner or Horak.
Beelphegor teach us how to take time for ourselves is key to success; burn our ourseves equals to low quality actions. He connects with the businessman archetype and the intelligence behind the "doing less to get the same or even better results", the smarter ways.
This is also a day to dream, make plans and imagine the future. Even that Beephegor is one of the main rulers of the month of April, this day is blaphesmously dedicated to Him (and the night to Lilith).
Additionaly this day is the Anti-Motherhood Day, representing the free will to abort and have sex just for pleasure. Anticonceptives are glorified.
Lustful fornication and entertainment are basics, work and tasks at the minimum. Time to indulge, rest and recover, to begin the next year for real.
Other names honored during this day are: Janus (Roman human deified), Belial (Daemonic Main Ruler of January); secondly: Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, Lilith.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Ah´hatmaton: Celebration. Month of Leviathan emotional healing, subscious, etc
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Lupercalia: Celebration of bodily autonomy, sexual liberation, and reproduction
Based on the Roman festival of the same name, Lupercalia falls on February 15. In keeping with the ancient tradition, February 13th and 14th are observed as feast days leading up to the actual holiday. What we are translating this to a "hail yourself" day. Time to release the beast.
▲ Devilist Celebrations:Hekatia Celebration.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Baal Hadad: For Devilists and traditional Satanists, the ancient "Month of Coming Forth" is not the celebration of rains and earth fertility; rather it is the focus and celebration of inner renewal and the focus of creativity in life.
Baal, the ancient Canaanite Dark God who rises from the Underworld to usher forth Spring, was highly revered in Syria and Northern Mesopotamia. This period is one to focus on life emerging from death, fertility from decay as we can recognize in nature itself.
Curiosly March is the month attributed to Satan too.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Day Of Ahriman: In the lore of ancient Zoroastrianism, according to the cosmology, on March 21st, at 12:00 PM, Angra Mainyu (Ahriman) entered the world in the form of a serpent, from the sky, tunneling into the earth. This was balancing point which allowed the all-encompassing darkness to be balanced with light. On this day, a simple offering of incense, the burningof something small into a single candle flame (or something else such as Sama Atar, the fire vessel of Ahriman) is made.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: The Unholy Week: Celebration.
Astarte, Ishtar, Inanna & Isis
Astarte, Ashtoreth, Asherah, Astaroth, Ishtar, Inanna & Isis (Khali Maa / Lilith)
Ishtar (pronounced both 'easter' and 'ishtar') is the goddess of both war (called 'Lady of Battle' by the Assyrians) and love in the ancient near east. There are several manifestations of Astarte/Ishtar in the Syria and Mesopotamia temples: Asherah is the mother goddess (wife of El) in the Canaanite pantheon, Anat was a youthful war-goddess; Ashtoreth was a goddess of love and lust. In Mesopotamia Inanna (Ishtar) presided over war and love, protecting and joyfully destroying the enemies of the lands.
In the old northern Mesopotamian calendars, April/May was known as "Month of the Feast of Astarte" on the primal side it is also the month of Belphegor. Astarte, who honors life, passion and the conquering spirit; including the fertility of the land, Astarte is a balanced deity holding great power in symbolism concerning the left hand path; while Belphegor covers the masculine and lower aspects of the consciousness.
"The Agushaya Poem invokes and praises Ishtar as the personification of war. The association of Lilith and Ishtar is first by the spelling of the planet, Venus, Dilbat, known as a name of Lilith in numerous Aramaic Incantation Bowls." - from SEBITTI by Michael W. Ford
Isis, the Egyptian goddess is equally a strong deity associated with fertility, love, magick and when needed warfare.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: The Unholy Week: Celebration.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: The Unholy Week: Celebration.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Lupercalia:
Occasion honoring those who fell victim to superstition and pseudoscience, whether by witch hunt, Satanic panic, or other injustices
In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust: a Tragedy (1808), Mephisto and Faust attend the Walpurgisnacht revelry atop Mount Brocken. TST's Hexenacht is a solemn holiday to honor those who were victimized by superstition.
Occasion honoring those who fell victim to superstition and pseudoscience, whether by witch hunt, Satanic panic, or other injustices
In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust: a Tragedy (1808), Mephisto and Faust attend the Walpurgisnacht revelry atop Mount Brocken. TST's Hexenacht is a solemn holiday to honor those who were victimized by superstition.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Lupercalia: Celebration.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Lupercalia: Celebration.
▲ Devilist Celebrations: Lupercalia: Celebration.
Month of the Feast of Kamis (Chemosh)
The ancient deities of Mesopotamia and Syria have a long history of succession and assimilation into the various Deific Masks they wear. Chemosh, the Moabite war and morning star god as presented in "Dragon of the Two Flames" has earliest origins in the Eblaite pantheon (Northern Syria) as being a power over the scorching winds and heat. The Eblaite calendar honors this god with the 12th month (August-September) as being "Month of the Feast of Kamis" or "Month of the Sacrifice to the God Kamis", reflecting the agricultural calendar and the period of extreme heat in late summer and early fall.
The god Kamis, known as Chemosh, had Underworld associations. As the Middle-Assyrian Ka-am-mus (an epithet of Nergal which identifies Chemosh as a form of Nergal), the Deific Mask ruled over the Underworld and the etemmu or ghosts of the dead. Kamasu, the very meaning of the word means 'to kneel down in submission' as well as 'prepare for burial'. The Ugaritic (Canaanite) go Zizzu-wa-Kamatu was honored as an underworld deity as well. 'Kemosh of the Dust and Darkness' (Zizzu-wa-Kamatu) is associated with the popular conception of the Mesopotamian Underworld being filled with dust and the Etemmu (Ghosts) having the clothing of bird-wings (associated with the black bird and raven). As the Levant god Chemosh, his role as Chthonic deity "Baal of Peor" (later Belphegor) was a fertility underworld god akin to Baal-Hadad (from his dying and rising role in the Ugaritic cycle) and Melkart of Tyre. Moloch was also an underworld deity whose cult was honoring the dead.
Dagan, the Northern Syrian and Mesopotamian god of winds also known as "Dagan Bel Pagre" (Dagan Lord of Corpses) and "Dagan of the Pit" was also a deity of the cult of honoring the dead with libations and incense (including food offerings and blood as well). In the ancient city of Mari Dagan had the month of August dedicated to his cult.
To properly celebrate August-September in a modern Luciferian traditional sense, the first associations must be made.
1. Earth-Fertility and fertility of the mind-body-spirit are associated with the Chthonic, the place of serpents and the underworld.
2. Developing psychic or astral connections with the shades of the dead for the purpose of insight and divination.
3. Offering incense and libations to Chemosh, Dagan and Moloch is to honor the traits and potential of self-excellence observed in the dead and your future. Knowing your strengths, desires and instincts to manifesting via magick creates a foundation of wisdom and power which reaches from the darkness to the heights of the empyrean (heavens). In short, begin with Chemosh/Moloch/Dagan (as underworld power) and rise up as Ashtar-Chemosh (Morning Star).
For further reading, "Dragon of the Two Flames".
end year
sabbaths saturday

Announcement Day
Celebration of religious plurality and shedding archaic superstition
A centerpiece of our religious movement and icon of true Satanism, the "respect for diversity and religious minorities" in mind. On xx unveiled Baphomet to a large crowd of devotees , signaling the beginning of the new Satanic era. We observe this milestone in Satanic history by celebrating Announcement Day.
zarael uazarel
Holiday to celebrate indulgence and embrace the darkness and its aesthetic
Halloween is consistently described as evil, demonic, and satanic by those steeped in religious dogma. Costumes, candy, and facing fears are to be embraced.
Halloween, October 31, is the Fall climax and may be celebrated as a time when one's inner-self might be explored through the use of a costume, or one might recall those of importance in one's life who have died - as was done on that night in European tradition.
Is Halloween important to Satanists?
We see this holiday as the night when the mundane folk try to reach down inside and touch the “darkness” which for Satanists is a daily mode of existence. Particularly in the United States, Halloween is a time for celebrating monster films, wearing costumes of a macabre nature, and evoking the thrill of “fun fear.” Children (of all ages) can indulge their fantasies by donning costumes that allow for intense role-playing and the release of their “demonic cores,” the parts of their personalities often hidden from their friends, co-workers and families.
Though there are traditions making this an occasion for recalling the dead, it has been popularized as a time to play with what historically were fears directed towards what were thought to be unquiet spirits of the departed. And the grand traditional question “Trick or treat?” has become a means for fulfilling an indulgence in sweets, without the need to resort to the optional coercion.
Satanists embrace what this holiday has become, and do not feel the need to be tied to ancient practices. This night, we smile at the amateur explorers of their own inner darkness, for we know that they enjoy their brief dip into the pool of the “shadow world.” We encourage their tenebrous fantasies, the candied indulgence, and the wide-ranging evocation of our aesthetics (while tolerating some of the chintzy versions), even if it is but once a year. For the rest of the time, when those not of our meta-tribe shake their heads in wonder at us, we can point out that they may find some understanding by examining their own All Hallows Eve doings, but we generally find it simpler to just say: “Think of the Addams Family and you'll begin to see what we're about.”
1 November
All Saints or The Day Of The Dead
Necromancy, Murmur, Santa Muerte, Hekate, Sabnock, Bune, etc
Eat, Drink, Laugh, Dance, Enjoy, Sin, Have Fun, Hurry! Hurry! Let´s Celebrate!

Azazel and the Practice of Magick
Azazel, to Luciferians it is not only a name of strength, power and wisdom, yet also an ancient Demonic-god and spirit of Deific power. Azazel is the bearer of the Black Flame, the divine consciousness of humanity. Azazel originally developed in Hebrew texts as a fallen angel/demon which goats were offered to as a part of their religion. In later Judeo-Christian writings and Hebrew Azazel became a strong representation of the Satanic spirit. Both ‘Asa’el’ and ‘Zazel’ are alternate spellings of ‘Azazel’. Azazel in Ethiopic, Greek and Slavonic texts make reference that Azazel's (Satanail) heritage is ‘with the Stars’ (heavens) and ‘of the Clouds’.In the ancient Canaanite pantheon, the god of death, Mot, was known as "The son of 'Ilu, Motu...The beloved of 'Ilu, the Hero, was terrified." Mot was the son of El who was King of the Underworld and a great warrior with his brother, Yam-Nahar (Leviathan), the god of the Sea. One may refer to Michael W. Ford's "Dragon of the Two Flames" to read about the history of the demon and his methods of invocation today.
Hayim Tawil explains in “Azazel the Prince of the Steepe” that Azazel is an epithet (cultic title) of the God of Death, the Canaanite Mot and that the 2nd Temple Period Judaic religion in complete assimilation of the Ugaritic (Canaanite) origins fulfilled the pantheon-demonization of the Deific Masks; Azazel no doubt had other Deific Masks assimilated from surrounding pantheons however Mot is a strong presence.
The Steepe is the wild an uninhabited ruins and desert lands of which the Goat-Demon Azazel is attributed to; the Canaanite God Mot as presented is also a god of the desert lands of which his powers reign. As we know, demonic-gods such as Mot who play a thankless role in nature and human life were demoted from a divine state to then the lesser power as demons. As Yahweh was to have the ‘all power, one god’ rule no others could be allowed to be in this council.
Tawil translates the name of Azazel as meaning ‘a fierce god’ and that the spelling of the name with Mot ‘MT’ was written to conceal the demonic nature of this ancient god. The combination Tawil makes is that ‘Mot is fierce’ (an epithet used) creates the Demon who is Mot. In the Hebrew Bible ‘mwt’ is also associated with the ‘Angel of Death’, the ‘Mawet’ who is in Aramaic bowl sorcery as the death-demon. The Neo-Assyrian ‘Ab-di-a-zu-zi’ and the Phoenician ‘bd ‘azz’ are theophoric personal names of which ‘el’ represent divinity (El being the Canaanite word for ‘a god’). - From "Dragon of the Two Flames" by Michael W. Ford
Azazel represents the divine consciousness (sparked at the forge) by the skill of the Watcher-Demon and his balanced knowledge of both spiritual and carnal experience.

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Devilism, The Flame of Hells On Earth
The Devil´s Temple