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FUNDS RAISED: 9.917,79 $
REGISTRED DEVILISTS: 500 Members (we still counting)
O.T.A.: In counting process
I.T.A.: In counting process
▼ The Foundership: The Devil´s Temple is a project completely financed by donations. Every cent makes the physical Temple and its community a little bit more real.
We honestly appreciate every donation, it dosen´t have to be huge to be appreciated. We track all the donors and the more constant and/or generous ones will obtain special benefits when the Temple is built (i.e. we are evaluating the option to buy small houses inside the community).
Thank you because without your cooperation this dream wouldn´t be possible!
O.D.-Atoriam : 2.225,00 $ - Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
J.T. -Dracyia : 1.250,00 $ - Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.
D.S.-Vishnu: 1.080,00 $ - New York, New York, U.S.A.
R.W. -Alakar : 1.050,20 $ - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
E.J. -Beatrix : 880,00 $ - Leavensworth, Washignton, U.S.A.
Z.G.-Maou.: 774,00 $ - Heiskell, Tennessee, U.S.A.
M.M.-Endstar :620,00 $ - Traverse City, Michigan, U.S.A.
J.L. -Wardos : 500 $ - Lleida, Cataluña, Spain.
S.P.-Naxul.: 492,45 $ - Müllnern, Karnten, Austria.
T.K. -Moana : 200,00 $ - Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.
B.B.-X: 150,00 $ - Butler, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
M.C.-Magnus: 100,00 $ - Kaufman, Texas, U.S.A.
R.M. -Shenwu : 042,30 $ - Largo, Florida, U.S.A.
P.W.-Vergil : 035,00 $ - Vienna, Austria, Austria.
R.B. -X.: 027,77 $ - La Place, Louisiana, U.S.A.
F.H.-U : 023,97 $ - ?, ?, ?.
O.O.-Ktulord : 022,50 $ - Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia.
M.K.. -Varaxazam: 022,22 $ - Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
J.S.-Eldreygur : 022,20 $ - Costa Mesa, California, U.S.A.
F.F.-X.: 020,00 $ - Alma, Quebec, Canada.
T.A.-X.: 020,00 $ - Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
M.A.-X.: 020,00 $ - Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada.
J.D.-X.: 020,00 $ - Eugene, Texas, U.S.A.
A.L.-Suddfer.: 020,00 $ - Rannamõisa, Harju Maakond, Estonia.
E.T.-X.: 020,00 $ - Nivala, Suomi, Finland.
A.S.-Adariala: 020,00 $ - Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S.A.
T.M.-Izen: 020,00 $ - Grand Island, Nebraska, U.S.A.
S.M. -SB : 018,00 $ - Kamatero, Athens, Greece.
N.C. -Nuno : 015,00 $ - Brejieira Amor, Leiria, Portugal
G.G. -X : 015,00 $ - La Puente, California, U.S.A.
C.T.. -X : 013,14 $ - Jasper, Texas, U.S.A.
J.H. -Kakoon.: 011,00 $ - Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea.
L.L.-X.: 010,00 $ - Budapest, Hungary, Hungary.
C.A.-X.: 010,00 $ - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
M.H.-X.: 010,00 $ - Cleveland, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Thank You!
Together, we will get it!
E.W.-Sogatlis.: 010,00 $ - Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A.
B.D. -X.: 010,00 $ - Vero Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
P.P. -X.: 010,00 $ - Parkville, Maryland, U.S.A.
T.N. -X.: 010,00 $ - Brush, Colorado, U.S.A.
R.B. -X.: 010,00 $ - Hamburg, Germany, Germany.
T.M.-X.: 010,00 $ - Cleveland, Tennessee, U.S.A.
J.J.-X.: 010,00 $ - La Union, San Ramon, Costa Rica.
N.A.-X.: 010,00 $ - Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
L.P. -X.: 009,00 $ - Butterworth, Seberang Perai, Penang, Malaysia.
AXX. -X.: 006,00 $ - Somerset, South West England, U.K.
F.S. -Serafim. : 006,00 $ - Bucharest, Romania, Romania.
I.J. -X.: 005,00 $
N.S. -X.: 005,00 $ - Saratoga, California, U.S.A.
M.K. -X. : 004,80 $- Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
V.T. -X : 004,00 $- Victorville, California, U.S.A.
M.M. -Mem : 003,00 $- Neuquen, Patagonia Argentina, Argentina.
R.H. -X. : 003,00 $- New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
J.P. -X. : 002,00 $- Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
Y.K. -X. : 002,00 $- Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
R.R. -X. : 002,00 $- Amman, Jordan, Jordan.
R.R. -睿忠 沈 : 001,01 $ - 新店區, 新店區, Taiwan.
J.S. -X. : 001,00 $ - Tomball, Texas, U.S.A.
J.M. -X. : 001,00 $ - Shreveport, Louisiana, U.S.A.
S.B. -X. : 001,00 $ - Saint-Jean-le-Comtal, Gers, France.
M.S. -X. : 001,00 $ - Nampa, Idaho, U.S.A.
R.R. -X. : 001,00 $ - Challans, Pays De La Loire, France.
D.W. -X.: 000,12 $ - Papar, Sabah, Malaysia.
K.P. -Muralidharan : 000,01 $ - Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
S.C. -Sweet : 000,01 $ - Campinas, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
M.S. -Xînnhâ : 000,01 $ - Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

▼ Donate: First of all we would like to say thank you for your initiative. We really love all our supporters; let´s make it real!
Below you have different ways to send your donations; they will be saved -and/or invested in secure investments plans- until we can make it happen.
Again, Thank you! Without you would be impossible.


* We receive about a 4% less due fees and taxes.
* If you want to donate other cryptocurrencies just let us know and we will provide you the adress.

▲ We´re sure by now you will have tons of questions! We understand; drop them here: TDT - DEVILISM (FORUM F.A.Q.)
▲ Ask your questions to our team! Send us an audio message to - Please, say your name, where you are from, and your question, and attach your photo. We will edit and publish a video-response.
▲ Ask your questions to S.W. Falcifer! Send us an audio message to - Please, say your name, where you are from, and your question to Falcifer,,and attach your photo. We will edit and publish a video-response.
▼ To register officially: as a Devilist and select a mode of registration (type can be changed anytime) go to:
· Age 18+ (Waiting List) For serious & long-term registrations to - Inner Temple Adept´s Initiations - VISIT: JOIN US - or - Contact us here: E-mail
· Age 18+ (Waiting List) For registration as a Devilist - Out of Temple Adept - (Membership card, etc) - VISIT: JOIN US - or - Contact us here: E-mail
▲ To learn / study more of our doctrines go to: "Devilism".
More Devilism (Other Links Of Interest)

▲ Please read this article again, as well as our other articles, so that you may come to understand more deeply, what The Devilism is.
▼ Some of the Topics Covered:
- The Devil´s Temple (Main Page):
Main page with all the links about us, the future Temple, and all the basic information.
- The Devil´s Temple Project:
Herein, we explain our plans and how we want to build and organize the Temple, by now a project.
- Satan:
Herein, we explain and centralize some of the basic information related to Satan. This article will help you to understand Satan better and it will also help you understand how certain Gods, Metagods, and even Incarnates, operate.
- The Devilism - Philosophies: Basic Information, The Dogma-Phobia (LHP Mistake), etc...
Herein, we detail a basic perspective concerning some of our philosophy and our conclusions, the path’s basic perspective about the Left Hand Path, and some of the possible problems that can arise for the spiritual development of the practitioner. i.e. the "Dogma-phobia", etc. This article resonates with a mental and rational undertone.
- The Devilism - Theosophy & Gnosis: Basic Info, V.K. Jehannum´s Gnosis Connected to Devilism, The War...
Herein, we cover basic spiritual concepts within the new doctrine, such as: Theosophical concepts and channeled Daemonic Gnosis, "The Incarnates",
"The 7 Pure Sons Of The Devil", "The Spiritual War", etc.
Within this article you will find how the "Metagod" and the "Soul Composition" concepts were released to the public by the dark sorcerer: V.K. Jehannum and connected with Devilism.
- The Devil´s Sex’ Path: The Temple of The Flesh, Tantra, The Black Angels, Supreme Babalon, Biccubus...
Herein, we cover all the basic concepts related to sex and our current.
Our current does not support animal sacrifice (or human), and it takes needed Energy from the practice of Daemonic Tantra and Kundalini Exercises, etc.
We describe some of the basics related to "The Black Angels" and their ascension to the "Supreme Babalon" or "Sacred Whore" through sexual interaction with our Hierophant, as his personal succubic assistants, being the Antichrist’s Harem, they being finally transmutated into "Biccubus".
We explain some of their basic Daemonic Hierarchy, their role in the Astral as Sexual Vampires, their role in the Infernal Empire on Earth and during "The War" as The Daemonic Feminine.
- The Antichrist: The Masks, Vindex, Asmodeus Daeva Spirit Bi-location, The Communion...
This article explains everything related to our Hierophant, The Son of The Devil on Earth.
Also, here we treat The Vindexian Heroic Liberation, the oppressive forces, and how they work.
Additionally, we explain why you can invoke or evoke Asmodeus if he is Incarnated on Earth.
- Asmodeus (Daeva´ Spirit):
Herein, we explain and centralize some of the basic information related to Asmodeus.
This article will help you to understand Asmodeus better and will help you to understand how certain Gods, Metagods, or even Incarnates operate, especially this Antichrist.

Check out our: Official Youtube Channels!
The Devil´s Temple´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Satania´s Coven Official Youtube Channel:
The Black Angel´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Aeshma LHP Sexual Club´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Akasha House - Vampyr Clan´s Official Youtube Channel:

Join Our Infernal Synergy
The Devil´s Temple

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