Poland, a country deeply rooted in Catholic traditions, has gained attention for its significant number of exorcists. With 130 exorcists reported in the nation, Poland stands out as a place where the battle against evil forces is taken seriously. However, controversies have emerged regarding the alleged fear-mongering tactics employed by certain dioceses. This article delves into Poland’s unique spiritual landscape, exploring the presence of exorcists and shedding light on the controversies surrounding the fear of Satan.
The Diocese of Warszawa-Praga’s Approach: The Diocese of Warszawa-Praga has garnered attention for its alleged fear-based tactics related to exorcism. It distributed a 60-point questionnaire titled “Are you possessed?” designed to identify potential signs of daemonic influence. The questionnaire included questions about practicing yoga or martial arts, speaking the names of other gods, and even celebrating Halloween. Answering “yes” to any of these questions would label individuals as being in peril and possibly requiring exorcism or professional help.
Controversial Identifications and Judgments: The questionnaire distributed by the Diocese of Warszawa-Praga has drawn criticism for its broad categorizations of certain cultural elements as “evil.” Notably, it brands popular films like Star Wars and Indiana Jones, and the Temple of Doom as “evil films” that allegedly make viewers susceptible to the devil. Additionally, the music of artists such as John Lennon, Michael Jackson, and Bob Marley is mentioned as potentially making individuals vulnerable to Satan’s influence.
Reactions and Criticisms: The fear-inducing nature of the questionnaire has elicited a range of reactions and criticisms. Many individuals, including Facebook users and other priests, ridiculed the approach, expressing disbelief at the perceived extremism and linking it to an unnecessary culture of fear. However, it’s important to note that the response of the Diocese of Warszawa-Praga or the Warszawa Archdiocese to these criticisms remains unknown, as they did not provide a comment when requested.
Contextualizing the Controversies: While the controversies surrounding fear of Satan and the Diocese of Warszawa-Praga’s questionnaire have garnered attention, it is crucial to view them within a broader context. Poland’s deeply rooted Catholic identity, historical influences, and cultural beliefs contribute to an environment where exorcism is taken seriously. However, it’s essential to distinguish between the practices and beliefs of specific dioceses and the broader perspectives held within Polish society.
Promoting Dialogue and Understanding: Amidst the controversies, it is crucial to encourage open dialogue and understanding regarding spiritual practices, beliefs, and interpretations. Examining the nuances of religious practices and their impact on individuals’ lives can help foster a more informed and empathetic discussion.
Conclusion: Poland’s significant presence of 130 exorcists reflects the country’s deep Catholic identity and cultural beliefs. However, controversies surrounding the fear of Satan and the Diocese of Warszawa-Praga’s questionnaire highlight the need for thoughtful discussion and understanding. By promoting dialogue and respecting diverse perspectives, Poland can navigate the complexities of spiritual practices while preserving the core values of faith, compassion, and unity.

It is interesting to see how spirits are viewed in many different religions. When I began to study the history of various spiritual paths I was intrigued how things have changed. Like in most African traditions like Vodun, Hoodoo and the like spirit possession is a norm. They come they speak to help the people. Even in African American churches in which they get the “holy ghost’’ - the person will speak in tongues and either interpret what’s said or someone in the crowd will translate the message. In much of the African traditions the people had to mask their tradition in those of their oppressors. But speaking in tongues to me is the same as possession, a link back to Vodun and Hooddoo practices. Anything that deviates from the main faiths is viewed as an evil out of fear. Fear is overcome through understanding and knowledge of things.
“Fear is the mind killer “ - Dune