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Daemonic Wisdom: About The Antichrist
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾ (Venus)
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● About The Antichrist:
"Is the Antichirst a personal concept? A collective concept? Or a real avatar?
According to our gnosis (The Devilism), The Antichrist is all of us, yes, but it will also be a pure Daemonic Incarnate who will bring the change, a real person. This will be a "Satanic"Avatar, just like Yeshua was for Christendom and Buddha was for Buddhism.
“The Antichrist” is something completely different than the Antichirst´s consciousness or personal antichrist. He is part of the “Antichrist” group spirit –which contains the Vatican as The little Horn- while also simultaneously being the individual. The incarnation of the one who has to come. The Third.
It’s only possible -or permitted- that only 7 high ranked Kings of Hell may fully incarnate, as part Devil (and thus a rebellious force) during the same period of time. That is, only 7 sons of the Devil may be on planet Earth at once incarnate within human bodies. So, currently there are 7 possible Antichrists existing as humans right now, and many others have failed in the past...or just prepared the stage... for The Vindex.
So, only 7 Kings may incarnate fully at once. 7 come in case the current one fails.
The Satania´s coven has identified the current incarnation of the Demon King Asmodeus (Aeshma), under the magick name of Falcifer for this current existence. He is directing all the Satania´s operations (the coven). The coven's goal is to support Him and provoke The Liberation with Him as The Vindex, The Final Antichrist, and this is something that seems supported by Satania (the demoness), Lilith, Lucifer and many others...
The Antichrist will be The Vindex just via mass popularity, and real acts...
About the “Satan” Group Spirit -not the “Antichrist” Group Spirit-:
The chosen ones can become part of the Infernal Empire represented on Earth, or part of the Devil on Earth. It doesn't matter if you’re a Human, a Fragmented, or a pure full Incarnate- with additional Fragments or not-. You can still be a part of the whole. However, not anyone can become The "real" or "final" Antichrist per se, for, that is modern Left Hand Path bullshit. Thousands of theistic-traditional-satanic covens around the world have tried to force the coming and birth of the Final Antichrist, who isn’t- and will not be- human in spirit.
"The Vindex" translates to “The Avenger”. “The Vindex” can work as a title, just like the massive and generic denomination “Astaroth” works as a plural for some daemons mentioned in The Bible, or just like “Satan” for both the Emperor and lower Satans and for the group Satan or group Satanic Spirit, or even as “Diablerie” for minor daemons, to give name to a Daemonic Collective. So, it can also apply to an unipersonal metagod, just like the Goetikon or Hermanubis for example .
Thus,"The Vindex" works as a title just like "Babalon" or "Sacred Babalon", the "Scarlet Woman", the "Sacred Whore", or the Asmodeus´ "Black Angels". By the way, the latter are not black and they are not angels at all, they are Daemonic Vampiric Succubi with the imprint of Asmodeus, a Devil himself. (*See the same root DEVIL-DIVINE-DEVA).They are named as such due to being of Black Light and being of Asmodeus, whom is also known as “The Black Dragon” and “Samael the Black” or another way of saying “Samael II”, as He is a Daemonic Nephilim Son of Samael / Lucifer / Ha Shatan. (the satan over all satans).
Some magick titles like "Vindex" or "Babalon" have an Egregoric sphere around them, an ethereal power linked, container of information, and emotions and traces in form of energy. These factors can confuse people, who think that they are real entities and not magick titles of power.
These magick titles once associated with the being, incorporates an additional power, and boost the native energy of the receiver.
We have studied this subject for years and have received several daemonic communications and confirmations about it. We have tested all this information endless times and we are very certain of it. It has become, and forever will be, part of our gnosis and of our own spirituality, which we follow day and night."
-Venus Xerxes
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
© All the materials are copyrighted & All the names are registered trademarks of The Devil´s Temple #TheDevilsTemple #Devilism

I love this explanation. Thank you for transcribing the DW recordings. 🖤