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Daemonic Wisdom: The Satana Zatham´May
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾ (Sogath)
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● The Satana Zatham´May:
"This is a nocturnal ritual and must be performed while the Sun is not visible in the sky, during the night. The best scenario is a waxing moon or full moon, but it’s effective any night to a greater or lesser extent.
The ritual is preliminary to any chakra or energy work (to be performed before any chakra session or energy meditation). It can be performed multiple times and is especially beneficial for neophytes, to increase their perception, results, and protect in various ways the adept and his or her space.
Preliminary Steps:
Create, Prepare, Open, and Charge a Seal for Satania:
The seal must contain Her symbol and act as a nexus of Her power.
The seal should not be burned but kept in secret inside the Cauldron, the Vessel, or your Book of Shadows when you do not want this influence to be active.
Do not show the seal to anyone, especially profanes.
The seal can be made of paper, clay, metal, wood, or any material you choose.
This step needs to be done only once, and the seal can be used many times until it is broken or old, and the symbol has blurred. In this case, you can bury or burn the seal respectfully and create a new one if needed.
Perform A Sacred Bath or Liubanaum:
If unfamiliar with this procedure, study the related articles or videos beforehand.
Sacred Clothes & Space:
Use your Sacred Clothes if you can or wear all black or all white robes. Another great option is to perform the rite completely naked in a quiet room with no Abrahamic or Islamic symbols or False Light idols of any kind.
Ritual Environment:
Avoid artificial light and electronic devices in the chamber.
Burn incense with a fragrance you enjoy (dragon's blood, rose, oud, cinnamon, or sandalwood are excellent choices –for this practice).
Light red or black candles for this practice.
Optionally, play low pulsation ambient musick if helpful.
Optional Magick Preliminaries
Magick Ring: Cast the Infernal Circle if you like -this is optional for this practice. Take a moment to focus on the work you are about to perform, disconnecting from the noise of the ordinary world. (If you do not know the mantra words or technique, go back and study this practice.)
Dark Energy Conjuration: Additionally, you can invoke Darkness -Infernal Dark Energy- into the ritual chamber for a moment. This practice will energize the whole room for the ritual. (If you do not know the mantra words or technique, go back and study this practice.)
Optional Meditative Preliminaries
Black Flame Meditation:This is a great meditation to activate your inner Black Flame and raise energies with the help of Azazel. (If you do not know the mantra words or technique, go back and study this practice.)
Devil's Star Meditation: A good recommendation is to meditate on the mysteries of The Devil's Star (Satana) with a Sacral Sacred Tone; other frequencies can be added. Gaze at The Devil's Star sigil. (If you do not know the mantra words or technique, go back and study this practice.)
Non-Optional Magick Preliminaries
Now you will perform the Devilist Block, which is composed of:
The Devilist Kabbalistic Cross
The Ritual of Purification of Satania (Devilist Banishing)
The Devilist Kabbalistic Cross
The Devilist Middle Pillar
The Ritual of Purification of Satania (Devilist Banishing)
The Devilist Kabbalistic Cross
If you do not know how to perform these magick procedures, please go back and study the related articles or video teachings related to these practices.
The Bornless Ritual
Now perform the Bornless Ritual. (If you do not know the magick words of this conjuration, go back and study this practice.)
The Satana Zatham´May
Now it's time for the Satana Zatham´may, one of the greatest invocations of Satana (Satania), especially related to chakra, kundalini, and energetic work. This rite will activate, bless, energize, and protect all your energy centers and nadis, boosting sensations, energies, and results.
Face North and set the sigil of Satana in front of you. Point your athame or index finger forward, and while directing your energy through the tool, vibrate her Daemonic enn 7 times (must be vibrated, chanted):
"Seerah Zesniun Ju´Xur, Ave Satania" (x7)
Sit on the ground inside your Infernal Circle. With both palms facing upwards, chant Her forbidden Daemonic enn 13 times (this is an advanced chant and the energy it brings must be noticed):
"Verbkan Mulassat Satana Tsurz" (x13)
Say once:
"In Nomine Adamas Ater,
Aperiatur Acharayim,
Et Germinet Satana." (x1)
Now say three times:
"Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Satana." (x3)
If you wish, you can obtain some of your own blood and anoint Satania’s seal.
Say once:
"Invoco Satana In Nomine Qliphoth."
Now, say aloud with clarity:
"I invoke you, Goddess Satana, Great Queen of Hell,
come into my sacred space to grant me the understanding of your Infernal Magick.
Grant me your influence and guidance, and bestow upon me the mysteries of the serpent.
I confirm my will and love for your presence!
Oh, Satana! Infuse me with the greatest wisdom of power.
Nourish me with the joy of your magick gifts.
Make your sensual energy powerful within me, and make all around my presence sacred.
Oh, Demoness of Daemons! I desire all your daemonic ecstasies!
I vibrate with your presence and your delight; Your pulse is the pulse of my wildest delights.
Ave Satania, Ave Satanis Luciferi Excelsi!"
The chakras are energy points that control the flow of Acausal energy, or Azoth, through the body. This is what the chant “Ga Wath Am” refers to -the lines between the spheres within oneself as well as the Tree Of Wyrd (T.O.W.) or the whole Qlipothic Spheres (and the Tunnels Of Set). It is a combination of two Dark Gods' names, meaning according to tradition “Behold the fire, the power within me is great.” The name Athushir is another name of one of the Nekalah and refers to a “serpent of fire.” It is tied to the 16th path of the T.O.W., The Dragon or Wyrm, and the kundalini force and serpent. The last part of the chant states “open up the earth and bring forth Satana,” referring to the Infernal Queen Satania. She is also tied with many daemons and the serpent, a fitting Matron of the obscure kundalini raising rites.
By infusing your 7 major centers, you prepare your astral body for ascension and enlightenment. One must open these energy centers and begin to fill them. Over time, the visualizations will become feelings, and the chants will be memorized. These points will become specific energy storage points as well as the Infernal Empire within you – specifically the Infernal Faction you have chosen after your Zephuragg Ritual. The Causal and Acausal double Septenaries become one in this practice.
Now, enter a meditative state. Then, speak loudly and with intent the following:
“Binan Ath Ga Wath Am,
Agios Athushir,
Aperiatur Terra Et Germinet Satana.” (xX)
Focus your conscious attention on each of the centers as you conjure these words. Start from the 1st chakra upwards, noticing energy movements and sensations. Continue the vibration until the center is spinning fast and solid in color, then move to the next. You may feel different planetary energies, visions, or sensations being radiated.
Now, try to focus on your whole body. It may be complex for the novice, but attempt to feel every cell, every muscle, how the blood is pumping, and all the chakras -even if it’s subtle- at once. When you feel your attention and focus are pretty expanded and clear to your capacity, vibrate:
“Binan Ath Ga Wath Am,
Agios Satana,
Woor Muzzvalach Respur.” (x1)
You can visualize your aura and energy bodies expanding, becoming powerful.
“Oh, Great Queen of Hell, Satania, hear my plea,
Oh, Sovereign of the Abyss, Protector of the faithful, Guardian of the powerful,
I invoke your mighty presence in this sacred space and body.
Satania, fierce and benevolent, shield my chakras from all harm,
Guard my Kundalini as it rises, let your Infernal Flame empower my energies.
By your will, close the gates of contrary dimensions,
Seal off the paths to regressive realms, repel the evil spirits that seek to disturb,
Banish sludge entities and harmful creatures of the abyss.
In your dominion, I find refuge and strength,
Your dark majesty protects and guides, with your power, I am fortified,
Against all forces that would do me harm.
Satania, Great Queen of Hell, wrap me in your Infernal Embrace,
Let your protection be my fortress, and your wisdom my guiding star.
By your name and your might, I call upon you,
Oh, Dark Sovereign, to stand as my sentinel, now and forevermore.
Ave Satania! So it is done. Blessed be.”
Be grateful to Satana, be grateful to yourself, for allowing you to do this.
Claim again: "My will be done!"
Now you can start with your chakra, kundalini, or energetic practice."
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
© All the materials are copyrighted & All the names are registered trademarks of The Devil´s Temple #TheDevilsTemple #Devilism