Beetlejuice (1988)
Some curiosities you might not have known about the movie:
Beetlejuice's "true" name is the same as that of the star Betelgeuse (as can be seen several times in the movie whenever the character's name appears written), but for reasons of pronunciation and phonetics in the English language, he is often called Beetlejuice; indeed, it could be argued that the most appropriate pronunciation of "Betelgeuse" is very close to what a Spanish speaker would intuitively give it.
Alec Baldwin said he was disappointed with the outcome of the movie.
The snake that appears in the desert and eventually swallows Beetlejuice reappears in "The Nightmare Before Christmas."
Regarding Keaton, Burton said:
"Many people questioned the choice of Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice, but it was all in his eyes: they were wild; he got into the character and ran with it. It was the first time I witnessed a character growing inside an actor. Every time I met with Michael, he gave me new ideas about where we should go."
Tim Burton said of the movie:
"It's the only one of all my movies that gave me that feeling of 'screw everyone else!' The audience didn't need a certain type of thing; I could do whatever I wanted and that was great."
Initially, it was not going to be explained what happened to Beetlejuice after he was swallowed by the worm, but the audience liked the character so much in the previews that two scenes were filmed where he appeared in the waiting room. The one that appears in the movie, where Beetlejuice's head is shrunk, and another, which was never seen, where the town barber appeared and started telling stories to Beetlejuice; the stress of thinking he would have to endure him forever made his head fall to the floor.
It was rumored that Winona Ryder didn't want to do the movie because she thought it was too satanic. But it turned out to be false.
The receptionist in the dead office has a sash that says "Miss Argentina."
(It is said that suicides become civil servants in the underworld.)
In one part of the movie, where Beetlejuice intervenes in the exorcism (just as he comes out of the model), a small head of Jack, the protagonist of Burton's 1993 stop-motion animated film "The Nightmare Before Christmas," appears.
In several scenes of the movie where the deceased couple is talking to Juno, several people enjoying or being terrified by the movie can be seen in the background.
In the picture Barbara (Geena Davis) and Adam (Alec Baldwin).

There is so much hidden meanings in movies. Beetlejuice is one of my favs… along with:
Neverending Story 1984
The Dark Crystal 1982
The labyrinth 1986
And my absolute fav : Legend 1986 (with original score by Tangerine Dream)
Pans Labyrinth…. Was excellent Anything Guillermo del Toro ! I’m a fan of Stanley Kubrick too.