108 Repetitions Of Madini Enn Chant
1 Hour Of Madini Enn Chant
108 Repetitions Of Madini Feminine Version Enn Chant
1 Hour Of Madini Feminine Version Enn Chant
Names: Madini, Mandini, John Dee´s Spirit, The Young Maiden
Rank: Unknown
Legions: None / Unknown
Goetic Demon: NO
Day/Night: From 11:00 to 16:00 Day & Night
Qlipha: Daath and Tohu
Path: Between Daath and Tohu
Dates: Unknown Cardinal Direction: East Tarot: Unknown Planet: Earth Metal: Unknown Element: Air, Water, Earth Color: White, Brown, Indigo Blue/Violet, Red
Animal: Unknown (Probably birds) Plant: Unknown Incense: Nag Champa, Frankincense, Wood
Other Affiliations: Unknown Zodiac: Geminis
Gematria: Unknown
Demonic Enn: Agios Es Madini Divum Et Vorsipelle
Other Chants: Kaltara Viat Norphoor (By V.K. Jehannum)
The “kal” in kaltara is pronounced like the word “call,” and “viat is pronounced “vee-awt.”
Curiosities: Ghostemanne has written a song called "John Dee":
From Satania:
"Madini seems to be Angelic / Enochian Magick related.
Madini helps the magician to discover treasures of all kind, she can act as spy and tell secrets of others but she has her own interests and will."
From V.K. Jehannum:
Madini is among the Nightmare Angels— those beings in service to Samael which reside in Daath and Tohu. She teaches rites of dark angel magick and archangelic execration. She bestows wisdom and protection to those who approach her in the right mindset. Working with her in protection spells is extremely powerful.
Dr. Dee’s Mystical Artifacts, British Museum

The Visions Of Edward Kelley:
In his work with Kelley, Dee saw nothing. The visions seemed to exist solely in Kelley's fertile imagination. The entities who reportedly communicated through Kelley bore names such as Madini, Gabriel, Uriel, Nalvage, Il, Morvorgran, and Jubanladace. Some of them were said to be angels.
A record of the séances held in 1582-87 was published in Meric Casaubon's A True and Faithful Relation of What Passed between Dr. Dee and Some Spirits; Tending, Had it Succeeded, to a General Alteration of Most States and Kingdoms in the World (1659). The spirits offered occult instructions—how to make the elixir of life, how to search for the philosophers' stone, how to involve the spirits. They also gave information on the hierarchy of spiritual beings and disclosed the secrets of the primeval tongue that the angels and Adam spoke, which was corrupted into Hebrew after the Fall. This original speech bore an organic relation to the outer world. Each name expressed the properties of the thing spoken of, and the utterance of that name had a compelling power over that creature. Dee was supposed to write a book in this tongue under spirit influence. He was later relieved of the task, however. The prophecies that were given through the crystal mostly failed. The physical phenomena were few—occasional movements of objects, direct writing, and direct voice.
In light of Kelley's low moral character the séance records must be considered dubious documents, but the extraordinary detail and scope of these claimed visions (including the complex angelic language) seems to go beyond mere fraudulent invention. Kelley's later activities, however, were undoubtedly suspect.
Dee and Kelley acquired a considerable reputation for the occult, which spread from Mortlake to continental Europe. Dee declared that he possessed the elixir of life, which he claimed to have found among the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey, so the curious were drawn to his house by a double attraction. Gold flowed into his coffers, but his experiments in the transmutation of metals absorbed a great portion of his money.

Edward Kelly, studying the work of the Abbott Trithemius
At that time the court of England was visited by a Polish nobleman named Albert Laski, Count Palatine of Siradz, who wanted to see the famous "Gloriana." Queen Elizabeth received him with the flattering welcome she always accorded to distinguished strangers and placed him in the charge of the earl of Leicester. Laski visited all the England of the sixteenth century worth showing, especially its two universities, but was disappointed at not finding the famous Dr. Dee at Oxford. "I would not have come hither," he said to the earl, "had I wot that Dee was not here." Leicester promised to introduce him to the learned philosopher on their return to London, and so soothed his discontent.
A few days afterward Laski and the earl of Leicester were waiting in the antechamber at Whitehall for an audience with the queen when Dee arrived. Leicester embraced the opportunity and introduced him to Laski. The interview between two genial spirits was interesting and led to frequent visits from Laski to Dee's house at Mortlake. Kelley consulted the "great crystalline globe" and began to reveal hints and predictions that excited Laski's fancy. He claimed to see in the globe magnificent projects for the reconstruction of Europe, to be accomplished with Laski's help. According to Kelley's spirit revelations, Laski was descended from the Anglo-Norman family of the Lacies and was destined to effect the regeneration of the world. After that disclosure the two men could talk about nothing but hazy politics.
A careful perusal of Dee's Diary suggests that he was duped by Kelley and that he accepted all his revelations as the actual utterances of the spirits. It seems that Kelley not only knew something of the optical delusions then practiced by pretended necromancers, but also may have possessed considerable ventriloquial powers, which assisted him in deceptions...

An image of Dr. John Dee with his Stone

John Dee *From Wolf Of Antimony:
John Dee was a man who was born in the Ward of Tower in London on the day of July 13, 1527. John Dee spent most of his life studying, and trying to find out the secrets of the universe through whatever means he could find. This led him to become a very knowledgeable mathematician, cartographer, astronomer, astrologer, alchemist, diviner, hermetic philosopher, and a occult philosopher. John Dee eventually became one of Queen Elizabeth I’s most trusted advisers, because of this John Dee was given complete freedom to carry on his works, and studies while not being reprimanded by the church, or the people of that time. Who thought certain studies, and practices were inherently evil. This allowed John Dee to focus primarily on his understanding of the universe instead of the persecution of his time, but no matter how hard John Dee looked for answers he could not find any.
John Dee eventually thought he would never find the secrets of the universe that he was looking for in any man made publication. So he decided to turn more to the occult, and divination in order to find hidden knowledge that no man, up until that point has discovered, and have been able to document. John Dee’s life began to change once he found the esoteric book called the Steganographia. This book was encoded, but after being decoded by John Dee. He discovered that the Steganographia had names of entities that had a plethora of hidden knowledge that he could only get through spiritual, and occult practices. He tried to attempt the practices himself, but he realize that he was not too good of a medium. So he decided to reach out for help to scryers, but Dee did not begin to make strides in contacting the entities until a man by the name of Edward Kelly showed up in his company. Edward Kelly had a reputation as a magician, an alchemist, an occultist, and a spiritual medium. John Dee, and Edward Kelly decided to work together to commune with the entities that had hidden knowledge. This was done primarily by Edward Kelly scrying for the entities in a mirror, or crystal ball. Once the entities appeared in a mirror, or a crystal ball, they then would question them about the secrets of the universe.
John Dee, and Edward Kelly had many conversations with entities that they believe to be angels. Though some people believe they were actually communing with demons disguised as angels. I don’t believe we’ll ever know for a 100% certain whether they’re angels, or demons, but much rather just very powerful entities. Maybe even entities of both kinds. Most of the conversations that they held John Dee, and Edward Kelly wrote down, and documented in a journal. From all this information that they gathered together John Dee thought he was coming close to a break through to the secrets of the universe that he always wanted, but then some people were doing some snooping around, and were plotting against Dee. One of the entities John Dee, and Edward Kelly were talking to by the name of Madini warned them, and told them to flee to Poland. So they did just like that packed up their families, and left for Poland. Where Madini told them they would get some very important information once there. Once there they immediately started scrying again, and the information came in even quicker. The entities told them of the Book of Enoch, and the language of enochian. The language of enochian was said to be the language of angels, demons, and Adam before the fall of Man. This language is said to make up all of creation, and to be the framework of the universe.
An illustration from Dee's True Relation
that follows one of the Enochian Tables.

After John Dee, and Edward Kelley were done documenting the enochian language the entity known as Madini send dee a test. Madini told dee to go to Rudolf II, and tell him that he is an evil man, and that he should embrace the angels, or his reign will end. So Dee went to Prague in the Czech Republic to do as he was told. After he told Rudolf II, and he waited for Rudolf II’s decision the entities became impatient, and decided to wow him to their side by using the Philosopher’s Stone. Rudolf II chose to ignore dee’s proposal, and dee decided to chase after the Philosopher’s Stone. Eventually all around the old world people heard of John Dee, and Edward Kelly trying to create gold, but then they were expelled from the Holy Roman Empire by the Pope, and Rudolf II. But then again in another plot twist Rudolf II invited them back to work on the Philosopher’s Stone under the nose of the Pope for him in secret in a town outside the capital of the Czech Republic. Edward Kelly was determined to work on the Philosopher’s Stone, but John Dee wanted to unlock the secrets of the enochian language, and the new enochian system of magick. John Dee, and Edward Kelly still scryed with the entities to see if they could get the final secrets of the enochian language, and system of magick. So They began to scry more intensely, but it started to take its toll on Edward Kelly. With every scry session getting more dark, and sinister as they went on. Edward Kelly started to back out, but John Dee pushed him to stay in it. Edward Kelly started to notice Madini was starting to act “different”. Madini then told them to sleep with each others wives. John dee believe this was the angels’ final test, but as you can possibly imagine he was pretty against it, and at this point Edward Kelly wasn’t too up for anything, but somehow they manage to fulfill it. After that there were no more communication with the entities, and Edward Kelly left John Dee to pursue Alchemy with Rudolf II, but after a complicated amount of situations he ends up dead after trying to escape prison that Rudolf II put him in. As for John Dee he returned home to England. Where his wife gave birth to Edwards Kelly’s son. John Dee ends up dying in the March of 1609 at the age 82.
Some conversations with Madini by E.K.:
From A True and Faithful Relation of What Passed For Many Years Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits (London: 1659).
As J. and E. K. sate discoursing of the Noble Polonian Albertus Lasci his great honor here with us obtained, his great good liking of all States of the people, of them that either see him or hear of him, and again how much I was beholding to God that his heart should so fervently favor me, and that he doth so much strive to suppress and confound the malice and envie of my Country-men against me, for my better credit winning or recovering to do God better service hereafter thereby, &c. Suddenly, there seemed to come out of my Oratory a Spiritual creature, like a pretty girl of 7 or 9 years of age, attired on her head with her hair rowled up before, and hanging down very long behind, with a gown of Sey, ...changeable green and red, and with a train she seemed to play up and down...., like, and seemed to go in and out behind my books, lying on heaps, the biggest...and as she should ever go between them, the books seemed to give place sufficiently, dis... One heap from the other, while she passed between them: And so I considered, and... the diverse reports which E. K. made unto me of this pretty maiden, and...
I said..... Whose maiden are you?
She said.... Whose man are you?
I am the servant of the God both by my bound duty, and also ( I hope) by his Adoption.
A voice.... You shall be beaten if you tell
...Am not I a fine Maiden? Give me leave to play in your house, my mother told me she would come and dwell here.
She went up and down with most lively gestures of a young girl playing by her self and diverse time another spoke to her from the corner of my study by a great Perspective glass, but none was seen
Beside her self.
...Shall I? I will (Now she seemed to answer one in the fore-said Corner of the Study)
...I pray you let me tarry a little [speaking to on in the fore-said Corner]
Tell me who you are?
...I pray you let me play with you a little, and I will tell you who I am.
In the name of Jesus then tell me.
...I rejoice in the name of Jesus, and I am a poor little Maiden, Madini, I am the last but one of my Mothers children, I have little Baby-children at home.
Where is your home?
Ma... I dare not tell you where I dwell, I shall be beaten.
You shall not be beaten for telling the truth to them that love the truth, to the eternal truth all Creatures must be obedient.
Ma... I warned you I will be obedient. My sisters say they must all come and dwell with you.
I desire that they who live God should dwell with me, and I with them.
Ma....I love you now you talk of God.
Your eldest sister her name is Esemeli.
Ma... My sister is not so short as you make her.
Oh, I cry you mercy, she is to be pronounced Esemeli.
E.K. she smiled, one calls her saying, Come away Maiden
Ma... I will read over my Gentlewomen first.
My master Dee will teach me, if I say please.
Read over your Gentlewomen as it pleases you.
Ma...I have Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, look you here.
E.K. She brings a little book out of her pocket,
....She pointed to a Picture in the book.
Mad...Is not this a pretty man.
What is his name?
Ma...My...faith, his name is Edward, look you, he hath a Crown upon his head, my Mother said that this man was Duke of York.
E.K. She looked upon a Picture in the Book with a Coronet in his hand and a Crown upon his head.
Ma...This was a jolly man when he was King of England.
How long since is it that he was King of England?
Ma....Do you ask me such a question, I am but a little Maiden? Lord here is his Father, Richard Plantagenet, is his Father also.
How call you him?
Ma...Richard, Surely this was Richard Earl of Cambridge.
E.K. She turns the book leaves, and said...
Mad...Here is a grim Lord, He makes me afraid.
Why does he make you afraid?
Ma...He is a stern fellow, I do not know him what he is. But this was the Duke of Clarence. This was Father to Richard Earl of Cambridge. Lord here is Anne his wife.
E.K. Turning over the leaf,
Te same was heir to all Mortimers lands.
Edmund was her brother.
Lord, Sir, here be the wicked Mortimers.
E.K. She turned over diverse leaves, and then she said
Ma...This fame is Roger Mortimer.
...My Mother said this man was Earl of the Marches.
This same is his wife.
He had a great deal of lands by her, for she was an Heir.
This fame is wild Genvill, her Father.
Here is a Town they call Webley. Here is Beudley. Here is Mortimers Clyberry. Here is wild Wenlock. Here is Ludlow. Here is Stanton Lacy. Genvill his wife was Heir of all these. Here is Hugh Lacy her Father. He wears his hair long, for he was Deputy of Ireland; That makes him look with such a weathered face.
My sister has torn out the other two leaves, I will bring them when you have supper. I pray do not tell any body of me.
We were earnestly called for to supper by my folks.
Pg. 162
Orationem dominicam genibus flexis recitavi, variasque juxta propositam materia ejeculationes bubui, variasque inter nos collationes, considerationesque ultimorum verborum ipsius Gabrielis, etc.
E.K. Gabriel is here again in his Chair, and his dart upright in his hand, his dart is like a flame or staff of fire.
Blessed be God.
After his appearing, he stayed almost a quarter of an hour before he began.
Gab..... As God in his essential being, is a Spirit, without demonstration, so are his profound providences, works, and determinations, unable to be measured.
[E.K. He maketh curse: But nothing appeareth in the Stone.]
Gabr...Herby may you find, that the love of God towards you (O wretches and sinners) is more than a love: and more than can be measured, which was the cause, that with his own finger, (delighting in the sons of Jacob,) he sealed this saying; yea with his own finger, this show and sign of his excellent, and more than, love toward his people.
I am a jealous God; which is as much to say, Lo, I am your friend: nay, rather your father, and more than that, your God; which delighteth in you, rejoiceth in you, and loveth you with that affection [Jealousy] which is more than love: which is as much to say, as my love is such toward you, as I am to myself. But, O ye stiff-necked Jews, O ye Strumpets, you despised the love of God, you committed adultery, and ran into the Temples of Idols: which the cause, that the same mouth, that praised you before.
[E.K. He makes curse often.]
...Said also of you; It represents me that I made this people. Let me raze them out, and make a people of * there. This Idolatry was the cause, from time to time, that you became Captives, and of Inberitours, Rumagates, without a Master. Unto you also, thus saith the Lord (unto you my Brethern, I say that are here) More than the love of a father is, is the love of God toward you: For , unto which of the Gentiles, hath the Lord showed himself? Where dwell they, or where have they dwelled, into whose house have the Angels of the Lord descended, saying, thus and thus, does the God of Heaven and earth mean to deal with the World.
Think you not, that this is more than love? Look therefore narrowly into yourselves: Uncover the doings of your life, and secret Chambers: Enter into judgement with yourselves. Unto thee I speak [To E.K.] Hast thou not run astray from the Lord, nad committed Idolatry?
He told E.K. of his faults, which E.K. would not express to me, and I desired him to listen to them, and to do as it appertains to a Christian, etc.
Gab...But thus saith the Lord, I am a pure Spirit that participates not with the defiled: neither can I enter in mercy into that house which is defiled. A great saying, my Brethren: For hereby you are motivated to make you consciences clean to open yourselves in pureness, to the Lord, that he may enter into you with comfort. For, so long as thou deals with wicked spirits, will the Lord keep back his hands: and thou keeps back the Lord. For shall it not be said hereafter? Low, is not this man known to have dealing with the wicked? And (as the foolish voices of the people are) Is not this be that can constrain the wicked? With further arguments, by repetition of thy doings. Well, if thou wilt be the minister of God; If thou wilt go forward in his works; If thou wilt see the happy times that are to come, thou must abstain from evil, and thou must sweep thy
House clean: Thou must put on thy best garments, and must become humble and meek. Let not thy life be a scandal to the will of the Lord, and to the greatness of his works: For the power that is within thy soul (in respect of his essential quid,) is of great force and ability to perform those things that proceed with power: which is the cause that the wicked ones obey thee; for they fear themselves, when they see the seal of thy Creation.
This is therefore the Cause, that God finding thee (as he passes by, by his Angel) fit in matter, but, my brother (God knows) far unfit in life. Oh Consider the dignity of thy Creation; Consider that the affection of God toward thee, is more than love. See how he bears with thy infirmity, from time to time. Oh, I says (yet) Enter into judgement with thy self: And consider, that thou art now at a turning where there lies two ways: One shall be to thy comfort, the other to thy perpetual woe. Let not good ground bring forth weeds, lest it choke her self.
Pg. 232
As I was putting up all, Uriel appeared again, with his black Scarf, as he did before but paused a while before he spoke any thing.
In thy name (Oh Jesus) we attend thy words by thy messenger to be uttered.
Uriel... Give ear unto my voice.
E.K. Now he is like a great wheel of fire, like a wagon wheel: He thrust out his hands on the sudden, and so became like a wheel full of mens eyes: it turns round, it is full in all places of those eyes, like living and seeing eyes.
Now comes fire out of it in 4 places.
Now there is a great Eagle, which is come, and stands upon it: It is a white Eagle: The wheel turns still, notwithstanding that she stands on it.
E.K. She hath in her beak, like a serol of parchment. She hath two
Monstrous eyes: one like fire red; her right eye as big as my fist and the left eye, is chrystal-like. She stands hovering with her wins spread, and her stern or tail spread.
Under the wheel is a great valley, and in it a great City, and a Hill on the East part of it. And all toward the South are Hills.
The City is as big as six Cracavis: and many ruins of houses in it there appear.
There is one place in it covered, square like a little Chapel: It has a little round pinacle in the end of it; and over, it in the air hanging a little fire bright.
There be many like unto fowles, like Raven, and their heads like unto bright fire: They fly into a Country a great way off from this City.
Now Uriel stands beside the wheel, and the wheel is as it was before: and he as before with the Scarf.
The Eagle cries and strikes as a Gull, or the fowles do.
Uriel seems to descend from the air above, and to come to the side of the Shew-stone.