Recently, one of our adepts sent us various questions. These inquiries revolve around how a spirit companion, properly bound and linked to the practitioner, can assist in various aspects of Dark Ascension and prevent spiritual dissolution or the Second Death. We believe that by sharing these question-answer exchanges, we can help solve and clarify several inquiries commonly encountered by practitioners.

What Is Spiritual Death Or 2nd Death?
In mysticism and esoteric traditions, the concept of the "Spiritual Death" or "Second Death" typically refers to a spiritual or metaphysical event rather than a physical one. It signifies the ultimate dissolution or annihilation of the spiritual essence or consciousness, often believed to occur after physical death or as a consequence of spiritual failure or regression (among other causes).
The idea is present in various religious and philosophical systems, including Gnosticism, Hermeticism, and some interpretations of Christian theology. It is often depicted as a state of eternal separation from the divine or a cessation of existence altogether
The Second Death is seen as a consequence of spiritual ignorance, moral wrongdoing, or failure to attain enlightenment or spiritual awakening. It represents the ultimate loss or extinction of the individual spiritual's connection to the other realms or divine consciousness.
What Can Cause The 2nd Death?
Curiously, some religious paths, such as the Right Hand Path traditions, have their primary goal set on dissolving the essence into the source (Akasha) or merging the spiritual essence with their "god," presuming it to be the source itself!
This path inevitably leads to the death of deaths -the dissolution of the very core of the adept's consciousness, ego, and spiritual structure to be absorbed, vampirized, and integrated into another system as a mere fragment or simply disintegrated in the vast ocean of consciousness of Akasha.
The primary cause of this event is the lack of practice and utilization of one's conscious capacities. Like an untrained muscle, your "ghost" can end up diluted, unconscious of itself. Without presence, there is no energy; without energy, nothing is sustained. The weak-conscious spirit can dissipate itself in the transition of the First Death or simply over time due to ignorance and lack of power in an "Otherside environment".
Other secret methods can be employed to induce the Second Death. For example, some of them include strong Black Magick curses, vampiric rituals of spiritual integration, etc. These methods are quite uncommon, and most "witches" and "sorcerers" out there do not truly know or understand how they work.
Related Questions:
Q. It Is Stated That The Spirit Can Save Me From 2nd Death. How exactly?
A. One of the primary objectives of these types of spiritual companions is precisely to prevent the Second Death, especially when we consider daemonic and/or rebel spirits.
Like us, they do not wish to dissolve themselves into the source (Akasha) or be consumed by others. This is accomplished through the accumulation of power and consciousness, resulting in energy (and other methods).
They will assist in guiding and interacting on the other side, the true plane of existence.
Breaking your Akashic Egg and liberating your Kundalini can provoke an irreversible awakening of the practitioner's spirit and an energetic transformation that will make it very difficult for the adept to experience the Second Death.
Q. Can My Spirit Familiar Protect Me From All Black Magick?
A. It would be unwise to say "all," but they will be able to protect you from a wide range of dangers, negative events, and circumstances.
Q. Can The Spirit Companion Teach Me Any Spiritual System I desire And Help Me In Any Area Of My life, Like Heath And Finances?
A. Spirit companions can teach you various spiritual techniques, systems, and practices, but the philosophy they will emphasize is typically daemonic. Depending on their specialties and unique skills, different spirit companions might be more or less capable of assisting in certain areas. However, in general, they can indeed enhance finances, luck, energy, libido, and other fundamental aspects of interest.
Q. Sometimes The Spirit Is Extremely Quite For Long Period Of Times. How Do I Know She/He Is Still There? And Is There Anything That Might Repel The Spirit And Make Her/Him Leave Me?
The spirit is not omnipotent and omnipresent; all are potent, some are multi-potent or even ultrapotent, capable of bi-location, multi-location, but not one is omnipresent (present at all times in all dimensional planes with unlimited access). Therefore, it's common for a spirit to come and go, although they remain linked to you. Feeling these fluctuations in their presence is completely normal, and you'll soon notice that lunar and hormonal (libido-Kundalini) levels can influence your perception of their presence.
Alternatively, you can simply call upon them until you feel their presence if necessary. Working intensively with your spirit companion can also increase the duration of their presence and overall connection; like any other relationship, it requires effort.
Keep in mind that the spirit has their own affairs and agenda in other realms, but this doesn't mean the connection is broken; in fact, the connection is usually quite resilient.
However, there are factors that can repel familiars. For instance, undergoing exorcisms, adopting a Right Hand Path mentality suddenly (which can be hypocritical or contradictory to your practice), insulting or rejecting their presence, or showing complete disinterest and neglecting to work with the spirit are some common reasons for a spirit to leave.

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This is very interesting information. Great to learn.
"Q. Can The Spirit Companion Teach Me Any Spiritual System I desire And Help Me In Any Area Of My life, Like Heath And Finances?
A. Spirit companions can teach you various spiritual techniques, systems, and practices, but the philosophy they will emphasize is typically daemonic. Depending on their specialties and unique skills, different spirit companions might be more or less capable of assisting in certain areas. However, in general, they can indeed enhance finances, luck, energy, libido, and other fundamental aspects of interest."
What is meant by the companion teaching a spiritual system emphasizing "daemonic"? How can I find out exactly what a particular companion can help me with in a specialized way?