A. If your intention is to join our spiritual movement (Devilism) or any of the other sub-groups, below you have the instructions.
1 - If you´re interested in joining Devilism (as I.T.A -Inside Temple Adept- or O.T.A. -Outside Temple Adept-) Please take a look at: www.thedevilstemple.com/joinus make sure you understand all the information explained and the different sub-groups of the main movement.
2 - Once the different groups are understood and some relevant information, please visit the main page of registration: www.thedevilstemple.com/joindevilism In this page you will find the basic rules, recommendations, etc.
At the foot of the same page, you have 2 templates, select and copy the template according to your desire: Inside Temple or Outside Temple Adept. (You can change it anytime).
3 - Paste the selected template in an email and fulfill all the questions and info required, now, you will be able to select the sub-groups that you are additionally interested to join, once everything is complete, send us this email.
4 - Our team will check if everything is correct and complete, if it is, we will add you to the Devilist database -that you can consult here: https://www.thedevilstemple.com/aboutus -This database, will be updated from time to time as more members join and our team has time to it. Please, once the email is sent, do not send more with the same, be patient, our response will come.
Depending on your registration type you will access exclusive areas, receive information and privileges, also, you will be able to support and directly contribute with the Temple´s duties, and interact with the community in this ambitious project.

· Here are some videos related to this topic to help you to understand:

· Here are some articles related to this topic to help you to understand:

· Here are some links related to this topic to help you to understand:
· Here also you can see the different groups and sub-groups of work: www.thedevilstemple.com/groups

Hello there, im new here and dont understand much about the forum. But where can i do and learn about rituals? what im looking for is body changing and fame and attracting and desired person. Thanks and regards,
I'm new to the LHP but very much hope to join the Temple and pursue my Dark Ascension in the future. It isn't possible at this time for health and financial reasons. What books can I read to begin my journey, and where might I purchase them (didn't see any for sale in store)?
This is gonna be good and powerful. Hahaha! I'm gonna love this!