A. Blood itself is a very personal substance, which can help connect your sigil closer to you to allow it to work better, not to mention how potent of a substance it is. The feelings of pain are powerful, and chock full of energy begging to be put into something for use.
Let’s start with blood, and think about it for a bit. Blood is essentially our life force. It pumps through our bodies, circulating nutrients and energy that allows us to do, well, everything. It carries not only our DNA (great for personalization), but the energy we get from our food. Both of these things are very useful for charging sigils.
So, how would one charge a sigil with blood? Prick a finger with a needle, and dab it on the sigil. Boom, done. Simple as that. An excess amount of blood isn’t needed, just a small amount, because of how strong a substance it is; not to mention there is no reason to draw more than that and put yourself in any potential danger.
There are also witches who use their period blood in magick, for various purposes. Period blood, would have a different association with it than regular blood, seeing as the source of it is very, well, “specific,” but if you’re not opposed to doing so, that can also be used to charge a sigil.
One of the “earliest” and “most basic” charging methods involves putting three of your bodily fluids onto your sigil - spit, blood, and semen. It is quite a powerful and personal combination if you feel it is something you are comfortable with doing.
Of course, please be safe and clean when you are using any sort of blood in magick. Make sure your tools are sterile, the area around you and where you plan to draw blood is clean, and you have proper materials to clean up and bandage yourself afterwards.
Next, we’ll talk about pain. Many times, the pain we feel is small, from stubbing a toe or getting our hair caught in something. Other times, it can be almost crippling, stopping us from moving or doing anything we need to do. As horrible as it can feel to be in pain, there is no reason that it can’t be channeled in a more productive manner.
You can either wait until you are already in pain, then funnel that into a sigil to give it charge, or you can inflict it yourself. A simple and easy way would be to snap a rubber band on your wrist and focus on that sensation. Another would be pricking your finger for the pain; this, of course, also draws blood, so you could use that to add an extra charge on top of the pain from the needle (double whammy!)
Another way pain can be induced to use in sigils, is by positioning your body in the death posture. This pose is very exhausting on the body and the mind. You twist your body in such a way, and hold that pose, until you can’t hold it any longer; when you release yourself from the pose (sources speak of “collapsing” but our recommendation is to not stay in the pose for that long in case of serious injury), focus on your sigil and let the pain and exhaustion from the death posture funnel into it to charge it.

· Here are some videos related to this topic to help you to understand:

· Here are some articles related to this topic to help you to understand:
-Sigils [Various Questions] - Frequently Asked Questions Compilation.

I didn’t think about channeling pain into a sigil as an intention. Like I always just viewed it as it comes with the territory. I didn’t think about intentionally giving it over to the sigil. Definitely will explore this. ❤️