A. We often receive questions like this: "I've performed one of your rituals that requires a few drops of my blood, but I could barely get any blood on the seal. Is the ritual still valid?"
Once again, we cannot provide a definitive yes-or-no answer. Each particular case requires careful analysis.
The quantity of blood used in such rituals is usually symbolic. For instance, when you're signing a spiritual pact or utilizing a sigil to connect with a spirit companion, the precise amount of blood isn't the primary concern. It's more of a formality, a symbolic gesture representing your personal connection and commitment. In such cases, what truly matters for the magick to manifest is the sincerity of your intentions and what's in your heart, these aspects become much more important, rather than the specific quantity of blood.
However, in certain rites, blood serves as a sacred carrier of the vital energy of life. The blood you offer becomes an active sacrifice, providing personal energy. In these cases, the results are directly influenced by both the amount of blood used and the quality of the energy contained within it.
This practice is quite common in some vampiric or evocative magickal traditions, where the practitioner seeks a strong manifestation, faces a challenging task, or is making an offering to a demanding entity. Such rituals fall under the category of Intense Blood Magick or Vermilion Rites, and they may involve potential risks.
In these instances, the quantity and quality of the energy matter, similar to the way gasoline fuels a vehicle -if you want to go far.
In Devilism, sexual energy is often harnessed through a tantric approach, a sacred scope of the power of not just the orgasm but the release of sexual and psychic energy during the sexual act, serving as one of the most productive, and potent sources of pranic exchange possible. This sexual energy -highly useful- is valuable for a wide range of magickal endeavors and adds a rich depth and enjoyment to the practices, reflecting our identity as the Asmodeyan Faction, and well, you know Asmodeus...
Furthermore, it's crucial to address the psychological impact of summoning the courage to pursue your will despite the potential discomfort; and well, the act of pricking your finger or making a minor and safe cut to achieve your desires may not be the stuff of stoic superheroes, but it´s something, being fearful of such an act reveals much about your irrational fears and the low strength of your mind.
Take a moment to reflect on the great individuals who endured the pains of horrible tortures and even death to uphold their will, honor their word, or continue their fight. Considering this, it may seem perplexing that you cannot gather a few drops of your own blood in order to obtain your magickal results, in order to push your ascension... while this is a topic deserving of deeper analysis and meditation, it's one that we won't delve into here.

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Can I use menstrual blood instead? I can't bear the thought of rubbing soap into my open wound after the ritual. :((((