A. Why not? But, take some time and see if there is an entity or specific power you are drawn to, or form a relationship of some sort with. The last thing you would want to do is have a permanent link to an entity that may not work with you -as sometimes happens... or simply forcing a connection with a being that it's incompatible with you and your direction.
So, you do not want to do this unless the daemon is your patron, daemon companion or you already have a good relationship with them, because you would be essentially calling their energy into your life permanently. Your auric bodies and energy fields can be influenced and consequently affected.
The option to banish if their energy is making you sick, or incompatible with you in some way, would no longer be an option...

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-Sigils [Various Questions] - Frequently Asked Questions Compilation.

The whole process is a ritual, a definite blood 🩸 tie. The body as a temple, a portal, and bridge. We are beacons in the void I would see the sigil on the body as a filter, a guardian of the gateway. So whatever energies approach they are checked at the door. On the other hand you’re tied to this entity and its expression will color many aspects of your life. The mating of energies will birth many types of children: ideas, emotions, and actions. Just like a physical relationship make sure you understand who you are devoting to.
This has me thinking on soul bonds, spiritual relationships, soul families and the whole twin flame subject. I do feel that these things begin in the spirit realm then filter or come through to the physical. One sign to me is when a subject keeps finding its way to you, you know it’s drawing you in or there’s a need desire to go deeper. Remember as you look into these entities they are also looking into you, as the relationship develops there will be challenges to see how serious you are. In so many words to me this is a subject not to be taken lightly.