A. The short answer is: it is fine to just print out a sigil, it’s all about what feels right for you and what gets you into that magickal mental state.
For some out there printing sigils out does that for them, because of the perfection of the forms -Less distractions gazing at them, less frustration due the imperfect forms.
On the other hand, some prefer to manually draw the sigils, as a personal craft, channeling their power, empowering them during creation, and feeling their energy in the art of reproducing them.
And according to our experience, not all, but some particular spirits really appreciate the effort and time spended in the adept´s dedication, even if the result is not professional.

· Here are some videos related to this topic to help you to understand:

· Here are some articles related to this topic to help you to understand:
-Sigils [Various Questions] - Frequently Asked Questions Compilation.

As an artist I enjoy drawing them because it works as a meditation and ritual in one. But I use printed ones as well. Lately I’ve been working with Naamah. Last night I came up with this one. I enjoy letting it unfold organically, trying not to get caught up with too much precision. Focusing more on getting into a state of steady flow.