A. The incubus, also called “follet” in French and Catalan (*see Follar = To Fuck), “alp” in German, “duende” in Spanish, and “folletto” in Italian, was an angel who fell because of lust for women according to many of the Church Fathers. This being appears to women often in the form of a sexual dream/nightmare, and in fact the Latin word for nightmare is “incubo”, meaning to lie upon. Its counterpart is the succubus, "sucubo" -meaning to lie below, who use to appear to males. When a witch or sorcerer is associated with it, it is called a magistellus or familiar.
According to Devilism, an Incubus is a type of spirit, daemonic and possessing certain skills, that can interact with this mundane plane. This type is a sub-type of daemonic vampire, a vampire who feeds mainly or preferably on sexual energy. However, like all vampires, the incubus may also be able to feed on other energy sources.
Descriptions of Incubus:
An early definition appears in the ‘Description of Wales’ in Caxton’s “Chronicle” as:
"That fiend that goth a-night
Women full oft to guile,
Incubus is named by right;
And guileth men other while,
Succubus is that wight."
Guazzo described the incubus in his “Compendium Maleficarum (1608)” as:
"The Incubus can assume either a male of a female shape; sometimes he appears as a full-grown man, sometimes as a satyr; and if it is a woman who has been received as a witch, he generally assumes the form of a rank goat."
-Here it is clear that the Incubus can or does shapeshift.
Incubus as Physical Beings: Sinistrari, a demonologist of the 17th century (d. 1701) explained how a spirit could become a body: "AsIf we seek to learn from the authorities how it is possible that the Devil, who has no body, yet can perform actual coitus with a man or woman, they unanimously answer that the Devil assumes the corpse of another human being, male or female as the case may be, or that, from the mixture of other materials, He shapes for Himself a body, endowed with motion, by means of which body He copulates with the human being."
-This operation, quite complex, can only be performed by skilled spirits and must have a very good reason to be carried out (this violates the cosmic pact -Shemiroth- and is a forbidden practice). And usually, daemons don't require this kind of physicality to achieve their goals or desires. It's important to note that consensual possession is allowed and does not violate any pact.
St. Augustine of Hippo states in his book “On The Trinity (400-416)”: Devils do indeed collect human semen, by means of which they are able to produce bodily effects; but this cannot be done without some local movement, therefore devils can transfer the semen which they have collected and inject it into the bodies of others. Caesarius of Heisterbach (b. 1170) believed that incubi got their semen by collecting semen emitted during nocturnal emissions or masturbation. They could then use that to create new bodies for themselves.
-This carrier of life, semen (spirits in the form of spermatozoa), can be energetically altered to welcome different daemonic spirits, filling the empty bodies of the spermatozoa or simply replacing the existing spirits on a micro-cosmic level/plane.
Pregnancy in Incubus Encounters: Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) wrote:
"Nevertheless, if sometimes children are born from intercourse with daemons, this is not because of the semen emitted by them, or from the bodies they have assumed, but through the semen taken from some man for this purpose, seeing that the same daemon who acts as a succubus for a man becomes an incubus for a woman."
– “Summa Theologica”
Bonaventura (Cavalieri 1598-1647) wrote:
"Devils in the form of women [succubi] yield to males and receive their semen; by cunning skill, the daemons preserve its potency, and afterwards, with the permission of "God", they become Incubi and pour it out into female repositories."
Sinistrari also summarized two late 16th century writers, the Dominican Thomas Malvenda and Dr. Franciscus Valesius:
"What Incubi introduce into the womb is not any ordinary human semen in normal quantity, but abundant, very thick, very warm, rich in spirits and free from serosity. This, moreover, is an easy thing for them, since they merely have to choose ardent, robust men, whose semen is naturally very copious, and with whom the succubus has relations; and then the incubus copulates with women of a like constitution, taking care that both shall enjoy a more than normal orgasm, for the greater the venereal excitement the more abundant is the semen."
Incubus as Figments of the Imagination: Only by the 18th century did the hype die down and did physicians like Louis XV’s personal physician, De Saint Andre suggest that Incubi were the result of the imagination:
"The incubus is most frequently a chimera, which has no more basis than a dream, a perverted imagination, and very often the invention of a women… Trickery has no less a place in the history of the Incubus. To conceal her sin, a woman, a girl, a nun in name only, a debauchee, who affects the appearance of virtue, will palm off her lover for an incubus spirit which haunts her."
(“Lettres au sujet de la magie, de malefices et des sorciers, 1725)”)
Church’s View of Women: The Church was concerned with the nature of the women and as early as the late 15th century, there were three distinctions published in the “Malleus Maleficarum (1486)”:
-Those who submit voluntarily as witches.
-Those brought against their will by witches to sleep with Incubi.
-Those assaulted against their will.
One account given by a priest said that:
"In 1643 I was ordered by my ecclesiastical superiors to exorcise a young girl of twenty years of age, who was pursued by an incubus. She acknowledged without evasion everything this impure devil had done with her. But after what she told me, I came to the opinion that in spite of her denials she had given the daemon some indirect encouragement. Indeed, she was always forewarned of his coming by a violent over-excitement of the sexual organs, and then, instead of having recourse to prayer, she ran straight to her room and threw herself on her bed. I tried to rouse in her some feeling of trust in "God", but I did not succeed, and she seemed almost to be afraid of being delivered from the devil."
(Delassus, “Les Incubes, 1897”)

· Here are some videos related to this topic to help you to understand:

· Here are some articles related to this topic to help you to understand:
· The Incubi & Succubi: Incubus/Succubus: Daemonic Beings Of Lust And Lore

Wow this confirms a lot for me, lots of times I find myself questioning things like I know within my soul but I still have that maybe its in my head... but reading up more and more makes me understand. The sexual dreams I experience I keep to myself usually for various reasons but what this article says they are definitely Incubus encounters. The energy is other but each time It feels like the same entity like the energy feels the same but he comes some times blonde/ brown hair blue eyed other times he has white hair with gold eyes and other times i don't see anything but feel the strong presence ... its the eyes that get me,looking into those eyes I feel my soul being sucked into them.
Sometimes a heavy trance like feeling will come over me before slipping away into dreaming. I keep a dream journal to keep track so I can analyze them. I will try and keep it short there is usually a lot of detail in these dreams - (not sure on this ones date) One dream I was in this place that was like an old cathedral type building where people were gathered but everyone was like just sitting quiet like they were waiting for something. I got up to go to the bathroom and i was pushed up against the wall by a heavy energy it pressed up against me it was like as if it was trying to figure me out or something. At first I felt like wanting to get out from under it because it was so strong and intense but something in me told me to just relax so I did and it felt me all over when I woke I could still feel that heavy feeling lingering.
Date of dream 3/6/23 In another dream I was on some type of quest traveling to different places collecting items. I traveled on a silver zip line with all my belongings in a red sleeping bag... but I was being followed by a strong aggressive presence that shifted into different things as it followed me. My last stop in the dream it confronted me as a woman but it was hostile and we wrestled but then shit turned from hostility straight to lust and it took on a mans body with the white hair and gold eyes -we started kissing and he picked me up and we fucked it was intense the climax woke my ass up, I sat straight up in bed breathing hard thinking wtf my body felt like I ran a marathon. In these dreams the sexual climax is stronger then the usual.
Date of dream 8/20/22 The dream of the train was more of a encounter like. I was on the train traveling through these tunnels and this guy approaches me. He felt different from a regular person yet I felt really comforted by his presence like we were old friends. He shows me different events taking place through the windows of the train. Each window had different scenes and I could go into the scene as well as watch. They were different events that him and I had experienced together. One had to do with a bridge from what I remember. Then he took out these sexual oracle cards and the images came to life on the cards and he was able to project them on the windows of the train. In one card there was a beautiful woman, a pale skin red head and she wore a sheer red lace dress like robe and I could see her bright red bush below.. her eyes were green and she stared back at us. The sexual energies was strong and I felt unusually comfortable with this guy.. the sexual attraction was mutual and I remember thinking I cant wait to connect sexually with him.
Then I noticed connected to the back of this train were children sitting in crates and i couldn't figure out why they were in crates instead of riding in the cabin of the train. He was a tall, fairly muscular light skinned man in a suit nice hair cut and clean shaven. When I woke from this dream I felt like I had got hit by a train. The crazy thing about this one is my sister had a dream about a train too but in her dream I got hit by a train and she said i disappeared like she saw me step in front of the train but after it passed there was no body but I just wasn't there any more... she said in the dream my husband was distraught and he was holding the skull of a ram trying to bring me back.
I have had other encounters in my waking hours with entities too, I see shadow figures. Once I was awakened by my daughter crying in her sleep. I went in to comfort her and she kept pointing to something behind me but her eyes were still closed! Then she said I want daddy so I woke my husband. The next day I asked her what did she see and why she wanted her father instead of me said she saw a shadow standing over my shoulder.