Q. (About Devilism & T.D.T.) What is "The Black Angels" as a group?
A. This is a very special division of I.T.A.S. (Inners), the circle within the circle, the Antichrist´s personal concubines, their path is a vampire Biccubus Ascension Through Tantric Alchemy With The Antichrist & More!
The Path of Babalon (Sacred Whore): This path is a division that can be compatible working beside and with the standard "primary hierarchy" of work. This path has its own system and develops another type of ascension and Alchemical Soul Transmutation, beside the Hierophant.
The Black Angels’ practices are focused on Tantra, Sex Magick, and Shakti Energy. They work with positive erotic submission to the Hierophant, as personal assistants, a personal Daemonic Harem, and as Aeshma Sexual Club Guides and Witches. They can be women or men, but they will work with Shakti energy, Babalon, Satania, The 4 Whores of Hell (5), (especially the young Lilith), Astral Sexual Vampirism, Sexual Vampirism, Tantra, Reiki, The Sphere of Gamaliel, "Asmodeus´ Daeva / global spirit", Draconian Magick, and especially Lunar and feminine energies.
They are sacred. The Black Angels, Succubi in essence. They are a special Class, closer to the Hierophant.
The Black Angels specific Hierarchy is:
0 - Candidates
1 - Black Angel (Onyx)
2 - Black Angel (Carnelian)
3 - Black Angel (Garnet)
4 - Black Angel (Obsidian)
5 - Supreme Babalon Priestess (Gold)
6 - Lilithu Satana (S.B.B.) (Adamantis)
Babalon / ˈbæbælən / (also known as the Scarlet Woman, Great Mother or Mother of Abominations) is a Goddess found in the Occult system of Thelema, which was established in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley.
We have developed this Daemonic and Sacred Figure and it will keep evolving with each Babalon on Earth. Every spirit who achieves this degree will enter into sacred communion with Babalon, changing itself and the Babalon´s essence, being both a more powerful being, as one united and separately, bi-located, and symbiotic.
These Black Angels will have the Energetic Imprint of Asmodeus (and this current Incarnation), becoming Brides of The Devil On Earth (and afterlife), due their transmutation, and their transformations. This imprinting works like a Vampire´s connection with the original Vampire (Sire) in that they will always and forever remain linked and related. In this case the degree of potency will be more pure as well as characteristic of the flame that lights their flame, Asmodeus.
*This is not casual. Thousands of Witches and Sorcerers have envisioned Asmodeus accompanied by His girls and/or shemales.
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The Q& A section says under construction. I see there’s readings but they are marked private.Will there be future public posts on the details of each level any time soon, before my imagination consumes me☺️ Or is detail revealed only to those chosen? I’m guessing you have to be a regular member to view the links. How long does the choosing process take for Black angel, Do all start at level 1 ? I remember reading about the choosing done by tarot but are astrological charts pulled and numerology? Just curious. I would be pleased just to observe the inner family within the family. 😈
Is there an age limit, and for the medical check is it just like the ones you get for employment acceptable or is it a specific form. Is it a group of people who process the applications for regular membership? I put my info in inJanuary not sure if it didn’t go through or it’s high number of applicants …I know you all are busy bees 🐝.