A. As of now, the physical Temple is a work in progress, and there are no regular weekly or monthly sessions in place.
However, our community actively engages in the study of Devilism's doctrine through a variety of resources, such as books, texts, grimoires, articles, and videos. Members also connect with fellow Devilist brothers and sisters primarily online, utilizing platforms like this one and various social networks including YouTube and Instagram. This allows for a robust exchange of ideas, discussions, and the nurturing of a supportive and like-minded community even before the physical Temple becomes a reality.
We do not rule out the possibility of organizing future events, conferences, exhibitions, or gatherings in the coming months or years. Stay connected with our main platforms to receive notifications in the event that such activities are planned. Your participation and involvement are important to us, and we look forward to the opportunity to connect in person and continue our journey within the Devilist community.
For more information about the project visit: "The Devil´s Temple".

· Here are some videos related to this topic to help you to understand:

· Here are some articles related to this topic to help you to understand: