A. No. This is something that was already explained (briefly) in "The Devil´s Temple" page. Your needs and basic services have a cost: electricity, heating, food, internet, technology, maintenance, hygiene, ritual items and supplies, etc therefore, you will have to save the money beforehand or arrange for yourself to work online to pay your monthly "Fee/Share", another option is to work for the temple as payment for your costs. All these options are fine as long as you take care of your own expenses and costs. We will try to create different job positions in the temple and for the community. We don´t yet know what the exact cost of the "Fee/Share" will be, but it is highly probable that it will differ between residents, depending upon what is necessary and the cost of everything involved, in accordance with each individual and his/her needs. However, even if the costs are lower than your future projections, our goal is to make you quality of life higher nonetheless.
For more information about the project visit: "The Devil´s Temple".

· Here are some videos related to this topic to help you to understand:

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Everything has a price, the question here is how you will work from the Temple, maybe online... another cool option is to work for The Temple, I'm sure different tasks and jobs will be created in a community like this. 🙌