Q. Real question: Does The Temple exclusively admit physically fit individuals? While promiscuity might be one facet of our practice, it's crucial to strike a balance that doesn't lead to an infestation of weak bodies. Is there a structured system for physical, mental, and spiritual initiation in higher sects like this, where members must consistently maintain a harmonious state of mind, body, and spirit to ensure that sexual activities remain exclusive to those who have proven their dedication? -Not allowing the weak to be over-rewarded.
I, for one, am committed to preserving the sanctity of my physical purity in sexual encounters and wish to ascertain this beforehand. I´m okay having multiple sexual interactions, as long as I'm with people who is -at least- my equal and who never go below themselves physically and spiritually.
A. The Devil's Temple welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and physical conditions, embracing a variety of perspectives and experiences. The focus is on personal growth, self-discovery, and empowerment rather than exclusive physical criteria. The community values inclusivity and does not seek to exclude based on appearance or physique. The emphasis is on individual development and self-awareness rather than categorizing participants based on their physical attributes. The physical condition of individuals participating in The Temple's sexual practices can vary. What's important is the willingness, consent, and openness to engage in these practices. These rituals and activities are about exploring the spiritual and erotic aspects of the self, rather than emphasizing physical appearance.
Nevertheless, it's important to note that Devilism promotes a lifestyle that encourages physical well-being and active engagement, avoiding modern unhealthy and sedentary habits that may lead to weakened bodies. The doctrine places significance on the age-old adage "mens sana in corpore sano" -a healthy mind in a healthy body. This is not merely a philosophical concept; it acknowledges the practical advantages of maintaining physical health.
For instance, it recognizes that a fit body is more conducive to opening chakras than an unhealthy one, a fact that aligns with various tantric and ritualistic practices. Additionally, physical fitness supports greater sexual stamina, a valuable asset for many tantric and sexual practices within Devilism.
Healthier practitioners tend to possess higher levels of pranic energy, facilitating better energy flow throughout their bodies. Consequently, they are capable of harnessing more power across various dimensions and planes.
Moreover, from a physical standpoint, they are generally more attractive to their fellow adepts.
In essence, while Devilism embraces diversity, it does emphasize the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle, recognizing its positive impact on an individual's physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
"A genuine Devilist, anyone who earnestly follows the Devilist path for a sufficient duration,
will inevitably attain good health, fitness, and physical well-being."
-Master Falcifer
More Information About The Sexual Interactions Inside The Temple:
Here we detail more specific information about the sexual practices performed in The Temple:
1, Physical Pre-Matching: All sexual interactions will be subject to pre-matching, with mutual consent as a key principle.
It's essential to emphasize that all Inner Members of The Temple will be encouraged to work on developing their highest potential, encompassing physical, energetic, psychic, and spiritual aspects, among others. As a result, individuals who may not initially appear attractive, whether physically, mentally, or energetically, may undergo a transformation over time as they progress in The Great Work.
2, Confidentiality & Discretion: The sexual activities in The Temple are conducted with a level of discretion and respect for everyone involved. When it comes to Sexual Matches and participating in different sexual activities like sex magick rites, tantric erotic meditations, The Wheel of Pleasures, and Aeshma Sexual Club's activities, we follow a specific process. We maintain a database of willing individuals who are open to participating in these practices. As a participant, you have the opportunity to choose from this database the people with whom you'd like to engage in these activities. Your selections are kept confidential.
The process works as follows: We provide the individuals you've chosen with the relevant data, including your selection as an option. These participants, including yourself, will have their selections crossed with others' choices. This ensures that a variety of matches are created for these practices while maintaining discretion and confidentiality.
Regarding the use of masks or hiding one's identity, for the vast majority of sexual practices we offer the option for participants to maintain a level of anonymity -some practices even require to hide the adept´s identity to avoid personalization. This anonymity is especially important for rituals and practices where the focus is on sexual energy, inner-lust and desire rather than personalized love, romance, obssession or attachment to another individual.
However, it's important to note that in some optional practices, participants may choose or be required to show their faces. For example, if you want to be in a Horak, participants will show their faces at some point for obvious reasons.
Our aim is to create an environment where members can explore their sexuality and spirituality while respecting individual preferences and comfort levels.
4, Transmission Of Sexual Diseases: The health of all Inner Temple Adepts (I.T.A.s) will be meticulously tested before their recruitment and periodically thereafter. This is to ensure the overall well-being of the Inner Adepts and to facilitate their free interaction with one another without the risk of health-related issues. Regular health assessments will help maintain a safe and healthy environment within The Temple.
All members will be required to undergo various medical tests, and use contraception measures to engage in these practices as well.
5, Energy Transmission: Depending on the chosen paths and degrees selected by the adepts, there are specific procedures, particular days, and other factors to consider before engaging in sexual or tantric practices with someone, aiming to prevent negative energy transmission (also known as negative shaktipat or Runanibandha).
Vampiric adepts, in particular, must learn how to work with and manage this aspect. Sexual practices will be conducted only after several initiation practices and cleansing rituals to remove latent negative influences.
6, Non-Interactive Sex Option: The Temple offers an asexual option, where you will not engage in sexual activities with any other members. Instead, sexual practices are conducted individually through sacred masturbation (or Neemiorah).
Another option includes participating in a closed Horak, where you can have sex exclusively with members of your designated Horak. Conversely, in an Open Horak, if decided by the Regg or Regga, this circle will be open to some degree of sexual interaction with members outside of your Horak.
We encourage interaction as much as possible, but please note that all sexual activities are pre-matched.
As mentioned in The Temple’s project page, active involvement in the Dark Ascension and its activities, whether sexual or otherwise, is essential. The Temple serves a higher purpose beyond being just a place to stay.
Sexual Practices for Out Of Temple Adepts (Via A.S.C.):
If you are an Out Of Temple Adept, whether practicing in solitude or with others, you have the option to engage in various sexual operations:
Couple: You can choose to practice with just one partner. This partner may be your current romantic partner or someone specifically matched with you through A.S.C. In this case, you will proceed with the couple's practices.
Group: This practice is typically conducted as a coven. Engaging in the coven's practices from the A.S.C. program requires the construction of specific elements to facilitate certain rituals and the participation of a considerable number of individuals.
For more information about the project visit: "The Devil´s Temple".

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For me personally I keep an open mind. physical appearance is what it is but to connect on a intellectual or soul level for me is stronger. However one should always want to be at their best for anything and something like this should inspire that. We are all in different states/stages of becoming. Change is constant you never know, what was once a no can quickly become a yes given time.