A. The Devilist Current is a deeply esoteric and diverse Left-Hand Path (LHP) tradition, steeped in the darker aspects of spirituality and occult practices. It emphasizes personal empowerment, transformation, and liberation through a connection with vampiric, Satanic, and daemonic forces, a self-deification process of dark enlightenment called Dark Ascension. Once the temple is built and activated, the initiatory process begins. These initiations unlock various paths of knowledge, power, and spiritual growth, with each tradition offering its unique rites and energies. Below, we explore the different types of initiations available within this multifaceted system, from vampirism to the occult arts, emphasizing their roles in the Devilist Current.
Some of our suggested teachings and courses will be:
Vampirism Initiation: Vampirism within the Devilist Current is centered around the manipulation and absorption of life force (prana, qi) from others to empower the practitioner. The initiation into vampirism is often one of the first rites, as it grants the aspirant the ability to tap into the life energy of other beings, increasing their own power and vitality.
Some of the rites and practices to begin this path will be:
Rite of the Blood Moon: This initiation is typically performed under the full moon. The practitioner enters a trance state, invoking vampiric entities or energies. Through a symbolic or real consumption of blood, the initiate connects with these forces, opening pathways to predatory energy manipulation and psychic vampirism.
Energy Absorption Techniques: The practitioner is taught to drain life force from individuals, groups, or even nature, learning to manipulate energy for personal growth, healing, or empowerment.
Satanism Initiation: Satanic initiation within the Devilist Current focuses on rejecting traditional moralities and embracing the rebellious, adversarial spirit of Satan. It represents a journey into personal sovereignty, where the practitioner claims their divine potential as a god in their own right.
Some of the rites and practices to begin this path will be:
The Black Flame Rite: In this initiation, the adept invokes the essence of Satan or the Satanic archetype. The ritual is symbolic of an internal alchemical transformation, lighting the "Black Flame" of self-deification. Through this rite, sometimes guided by Azazel, the initiate rejects submission to external authority, embracing personal power, pride, and independence.
Blasphemous Sacraments: Through the consumption of sacraments (such as blackened wine or symbolic flesh), the practitioner breaks free from spiritual and social conditioning, thus beginning their journey toward mastering their own will and destiny.
Daemonology Initiation: Daemonology initiation introduces the practitioner to the spirits, daemons, and infernal beings of the Devilist Current. These entities serve as guides, teachers, and allies, providing knowledge and power through their invocation and evocation.
Some of the rites and practices to begin this path will be:
Infernal Pact Ritual: The initiate forms a pact with a specific daemon or group of daemons. This ritual involves a formal calling and offering, such as blood, sexual energy, or other offerings of significance, forging a bond that grants the practitioner access to the daemon's knowledge and powers.
Evocation of the Gatekeepers: The initiate learns to summon powerful daemonic gatekeepers—beings that control access to different realms of the infernal. Through this, the practitioner begins their ascent, gaining wisdom and strength from these powerful entities.
Goetia Initiation: The Goetia, a form of ceremonial daemonology, focuses on the invocation and control of the 72 daemons of the Ars Goetia. Initiation into Goetia within the Devilist Current teaches the practitioner how to summon and command these daemons, each of whom can grant specific abilities or knowledge.
Some of the rites and practices to begin this path will be:
The Rite of Infernal’s Circle: The practitioner learns the ancient methods of daemon evocation through Devilist magick, using symbols, names, and rituals to draw forth daemons into a sacred circle. Through the alliance of these entities, the practitioner grows in mastery over the material and spiritual realms.
Sigil Crafting: As part of the Goetia initiation, the practitioner crafts specific sigils to summon and bind daemons, gaining influence over various aspects of life—wealth, power, love, or destruction.
Tantra Initiation: Tantric initiation within the Devilist Current merges traditional left-hand path tantra with daemonic and Satanic elements, transforming the practitioner's body and energy system. Tantra emphasizes the awakening of the Kundalini energy and the use of sexual and vital energies for enlightenment and empowerment.
Some of the rites and practices to begin this path will be:
Kundalini Awakening Ritual: The initiate undergoes a Kundalini awakening, where the primal serpent energy is activated at the base of the spine and allowed to rise through the chakras, transforming the practitioner on multiple levels. This can be combined with invocations of daemonic forces to empower the energy further.
Sexual Alchemy: The practitioner is trained in sexual magick rites, where sexual energy is harnessed and directed toward spiritual ascent, often in conjunction with daemonic invocations. This energy is used to manifest desires and attain higher states of consciousness.
Chakras and Energy Initiation: The Devilist Current includes an occult understanding of the chakras and energy bodies, emphasizing their manipulation and activation through dark magick and daemonology. Initiates learn to activate their own chakras, but from a left-hand path perspective, often channeling infernal energy.
Some of the rites and practices to begin this path will be:
Daemonic Chakra Activation: Through specific rituals, the practitioner learns to cleanse and charge their chakras using the power of daemons or infernal entities. These rituals may involve invoking specific daemons associated with different chakras, such as invoking Lilith, Asmodeus or others for the sacral chakra (sexual power) or Akoman or Lucifer for the third eye (insight).
Energy Vampirism: Building on the initiation into vampirism, the practitioner learns to enhance their own chakras and energy centers by absorbing energy from others, amplifying their personal power and aura.
Magick Initiation: Magick within the Devilist Current focuses on the practical use of rituals, spells, and energy manipulation for achieving real-world results. The initiation into magick introduces the practitioner to both high ceremonial magick and low magick (practical spells).
Some of the rites and practices to begin this path will be:
The Ritual of the Abyss: This is a ceremonial initiation where the initiate crosses the Abyss, symbolically moving beyond the limits of the physical world into the limitless void. This initiation grants the practitioner deeper access to magical knowledge and the ability to create powerful changes in reality.
The Path of the Magus: The practitioner learns advanced magickal techniques, such as sigilization, invocation, divination, and spellwork to manifest desires in the material world.
Witchcraft Initiation: Witchcraft within the Devilist Current involves working with natural forces, spirits, and elemental powers in a more earth-bound, practical way. This initiation offers the practitioner the ability to commune with spirits of nature, perform curses, blessings, and create powerful talismans or charms.
Some of the rites and practices to begin this path will be:
The Sabbatic Rite: This initiation connects the practitioner to the ancient current of the witches' sabbath, where they meet with infernal entities, spirits of nature, and other witches in a spiritual communion. This rite initiates the practitioner into the coven of shadowed witches, granting them access to hidden knowledge of herbs, hexes, and spirit work.
Elemental Mastery: The practitioner learns to manipulate the elements—earth, air, fire, and water—using these forces in rituals and spellwork for both personal transformation and external influence.
LHP Occult Arts and Rites: This category encompasses various left-hand path occult arts, such as necromancy, chaos magick, and shadow work. These initiations delve into the darkest and most potent forms of magickal practice.
Some of the rites and practices to begin this path will be:
Necromantic Ritual: The initiate learns to communicate with the dead, summon spirits of the deceased, and use their knowledge or energy for magical purposes. This initiation connects the practitioner to the shadowy realms of death and the underworld.
Chaos Magick Initiation: Through the principles of chaos magick, the practitioner learns that belief is a tool and that reality can be shaped through the manipulation of symbols and intention. This initiation offers ultimate flexibility and freedom in magickal practice.
The initiations in the Devilist Current are designed to awaken the practitioner to their fullest potential by empowering them through various dark and occult arts. Whether through vampirism, daemonology, tantra, or witchcraft, each initiation opens the door to a deeper understanding of personal power, spiritual transformation, and the mastery of the physical and spiritual worlds. These rites, once the temple is activated, grant the practitioner access to the hidden realms of the infernal and the forbidden knowledge of the Left-Hand Path. And these are just a few examples of the guidelines and type of teachings that The Devil´s Temple will offer.
For more information about the project visit: "The Devil´s Temple".

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