A. The film industry in Hollywood has played a significant role in perpetuating various misconceptions about vampyres. These misconceptions often stray far from the actual beliefs and practices of real vampyres.
It's essential to shed light on these inaccuracies and offer a more nuanced understanding of the vampyric community.
1. Physical Immortality and Sunlight: One of the common misconceptions portrayed by Hollywood is that vampyres are physically immortal and will crumble to dust in direct sunlight. In reality, many vampyres do not claim or expect to be immortal in the traditional sense (physical body/vessel) but to remain as a spiritual being.
Their life force, like that of anyone else, is finite, and some of them may even have a deep connection to the sun, even feeding on it. However, their practices often revolve around harnessing energy, not specifically avoiding sunlight. For some, exposure to sunlight (solar energy) can be invigorating rather than harmful.
2. Vulnerability to Garlic, Certain Metals, and Crosses: Hollywood often exaggerates the vulnerabilities of vampyres. It's not accurate to claim that vampyres are seriously harmed by garlic, specific metals, or Christian crosses. We will not affirm that these superstitions don´t have a veridic origyn, but these exaggerations (and generalizations) have been perpetuated through popular culture beyond reality. In fact, such vulnerabilities are not a consistent aspect of vampyric belief and practice; and certainly are worse dangers for the vampyre than these.
3. Turning Others Into Vampyres: One of the most significant distortions in Hollywood's portrayal is the notion that vampyres can turn others into vampyres through a simple blood exchange or biting. In actual vampyric belief systems, this idea is often viewed as a confusion or misinterpretation.
The real and secret process of creating a vampyre is far more complex and doesn't involve a mere exchange of blood, but it may be a part as it contains Vampiric energy of the Sire. It entails serious energy imprints or Vampiric Shaktipat (daemonic exchange of energy), where specific energies are infused into the energetic body of the candidate. This process provokes spiritual alchemy and transformation.
4. Natural Vampyric Inclination: Contrary to Hollywood's portrayal, individuals do not become vampyres through random bites or accidents. Many vampyres are born with this inclination, inherent in their spirtual core. It's a fundamental part of their identity and often something they discover at an early age or later in life. Usually when we talk about a Natural Born Vampyre it´s not a choice but an inherent characteristic.
5. Spiritual Transformation (Spiritual Alchemy): Transforming a non-vampiric being into a vampyre is not an overnight process. It involves various stages of energy influx to transmute different etheric aspects, these transformative stages encompass energy, the mind, the soul-complex, and finally the spiritual core.
This transformation is a deeply spiritual journey and requires time, dedication, and specific ritualistic practices.
6. Ritualistic Work: Becoming a vampyre, or enhancing one's vampyric abilities, often involves a series of practices and dark vampiric/daemonic rituals. These magick rituals are crucial to the development of the appetite and vampyric skills, and can include activities such as energy work, meditation, and specific ceremonies.
In conclusion, Hollywood's portrayal of vampyres has generated many myths and inaccuracies. While these portrayals have entertained and intrigued audiences, they have also created misunderstandings about the beliefs and practices of those who identify as vampyres. Understanding that vampyres are not creatures of fiction but individuals with unique spiritual and energetic charasteristics, usually practitioners of beliefs and practices. Essential knowledge to appreciate the complexity of this real community. It's crucial to move beyond the Hollywood stereotypes and recognize the diverse, profound, and spiritual nature of vampyric beliefs and experiences.
*Note: Rarely Ardetha: Sometimes, oddly, certain individuals can become Vampyres due a rare type of "vampiric awakening": through sympathetic Vampyrism, a magickal system, or by the rare occurrence of an epiphany. Something like an "accidental" Vampiric-Shaktipat but it can be for multiple causes.
Ardetha are rare cases, as the ability to turn another is a great gift or rare ritual. Also referred to as “made vampyres.”
(Ardeth singular, Ardetha plural).

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Literally people think that they will fly physically and things like that... 😙☝🏻