A. Protecting yourself from Psychic Vampires is crucial for maintaining your vital energy and well-being on high levels. Psychic vampires are individuals who consciously or unconsciously drain your energy, usually leaving you feeling exhausted and depleted -see succubi & incubi´s interactions for example.
These types of interactions, rather than a simple abuser-abused event, can provide a sensual, erotic or fetishist element to their "victims": unique experiences or other multiple benefits that must be carefully analyzed without a pre-established rigid judgement. Sometimes, simply -the psychic feeding- can be performed in an unnoticed manner.
It is not always a question of "stealing energy" as the energy does not have a specific owner -all the energy is lended, just like the money and its flow, and it is not always something as a simple dichotomy of: "victim-predator".
We have to have an open mind, and understand that dealing with a real vampyre can be demanding, yes, but we, also, can provide huge profits in various fields, from these relationships, or interactions.
So, we aim to avoid the ordinary mental duality and simplistic polarization of "good vs. bad" or "give equals bad for me and take equals good for me", because life is not always as plain.
Have you ever been walked into a room and suddenly felt drained of all life and energy?
Chances are you were a victim of a Psychic or Energetic Vampire and we are not talking about the cape-wearing vampire wannabes out there. Psychic Vampires are people who feed off of the vital energy of others, usually without the victim noticing the draining clearly, usually too, without the vampire being aware of how the common society perceives or will perceive them: like toxic beings that only deserve the consequent generated repulsion and marginalization.
But, for further understanding; let's explore -in a deeper way- the mundane and typical psychological understanding of the standard "Agent Smith" and their diagnostic and sentence of and for the Psychic Vampyre:
Mundanes Recognizing Psychic Vampires:
Psychic Vampires Are Energy Drainers, simple parasites, they are often individuals with low self-esteem, dissatisfaction in life, and depression. They constantly seek validation, attention, and support. They may inadvertently take more energy from you than they realize.
Pay Attention To Feelings: When you walk into a room or spend time with certain people, pay attention to your emotional and physical state. If you suddenly feel tired, depressed, ill, dizzy, tense, or irritable, you might be encountering a psychic vampire.
As some of these statements contain certain truths, these affirmations are incorrect and/or incomplete; let's discuss them:
-Psychic Vampires usually have high self-esteem to begin with, they love life, personal preservation and the hedonistic delight to the extreme, that does not mean that they are superficial or they lack spirituality.
-"They constantly seek validation, attention, and support.": This can be true for some vampires, but this is a conscious or unconscious technique of some, not all, and it requires huge skills to be applied. As entertainer, hypnotist, fascinator, seducer; being a magnetic, interesant and cultivated person with resources to produce a sustainable addiction and general well-being -another time: an exchange not a simple "stealing".
-"They may inadvertently take more energy from you than they realize.": usually unconscious vampires or novices will do that, a conscient vampire who knows what he or she is doing, have a medium control and skillset will know when it's too much, and they -in their unique free will- will decide if to drain to the limit, or just take an insignificant amount, maybe a little amount of prana from different victims.
-"Pay Attention to Feelings": This is a good general advice and it could help you to detect Vampires; nevertheless, we aim to seriously work on your real psychic perception and energy signature recognition ability more than just trust your feelings, feelings can be altered by old energy knots or habits, previous problems, people, ambients or simply being affected by the food, sleep, hormones... There´s an important difference between "knowing and recognizing" and "guessing". Is not good advice to go operating based and trusting some "random insights" or mental conclusions.
So, it may be a Psychic Vampire -or more than one- draining you while you are in the line of the supermarket, yes, and it could be none and you´re just feeling tired because, for example, yesterday you didn't sleep well.
That's why, having -even basic- magick and energetic knowledge -beside another endless benefits- will help anyone to protect wisely their energy without being paranoid. Just as logic as to close the door of your home to protect your family and yourself from external "dangers", and being conscient of the possible and real dangers out there instead of being unconscious and dont´give a fuck.
Said this, and having a deeper view, here are some of the most recurrent steps to shield yourself from vampiric influences:
Protecting Yourself and Recovery:
Cultivate Awareness: Developing self-awareness is essential in recognizing when you're under a psychic vampire's influence or being vampirized by other vampiric beings. Meditation and daily self-reflection can help you become more attuned to your body's subtle reactions to your environment. There are diverse rites and spiritual practices that can help, Devilism and its trainment offers a potent program to assist in this matter.
Rest, Eat, & Relax: If you suspect you've been drained by a psychic vampire, prioritize self-care. Maintain a regular sleep schedule, eat balanced and nutritious meals, and engage in relaxation activities like meditation, grounding or listening to calming music. Light exercise can also help boost your energy levels and natural psychic defense system.
Close The Circuit: To block a Psychic Vampire from feeding on your energy in the moment, cross your limbs, such as your arms or legs, while sitting. This intuitive action can help create a barrier and prevent further energy loss. You can also shield your light bodies with diverse shielding exercices.
Aura Cleansing: Your aura, the energy field surrounding your body, can be cleansed to enhance your overall well-being. During your shower or bath, wind-bath, smoke-bath, or fire-bath, visualize the element cleansing your energy field while physically is washing your energy field. Imagine it closing possible holes in it, washing away any weaknesses, astral parasites or negative energy you've absorbed.
By recognizing the different vampiric entities and taking proactive measures to protect yourself, you can maintain your energy high, emotional balance, and overall health, now the wise use of the stored power is another whole question...
Rember that it's essential to establish healthy boundaries and prioritize self-care, at least on periodic moments, to shield and/or recover yourself from these energy-draining individuals.

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This article is great! ❤️🔥