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FALCIFER: Can Sacred Gnosis Enlighten Me?
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● Can Sacred Gnosis Enlighten Me?:
"Liberation is sacred.
The absence of weak doctrines is essential.
We are very different from other traditions in a number of ways.
Spirituality has been fooling you with all of its teachings.
You cannot take a quote, or a dialogue that brought Illumination to another individual, study the words for a moment and expect your own enlightenment.
In just reading sacred text, you will not achieve enlightenment.
How can only a thought bring enlightenment to someone?
Experience grants all explanations within and of itself.
Experience gives no explanations itself.
Be present in your actions or you are not existing.
I would like you understand that those small teachings, stories or dialogues which apparently mean nothing, only apply to certain circumstances.
Only via other methods and personal alchemy can they bring awakening.
These words, spiritual triggers, and lessons for the future can be remembered through the centuries, but they can be just a small part of personal gnosis.
We enjoy some of the words, but for the blind they remain just words with no real spiritual value because the context is never told. The context is everything. That is, the reference to the means, the way in which the awakening happened, is never discussed.
Behind all those teachings, stories and words, there is a long discipline of meditation, mental and emotional control, Magick practice, and years and years of work. However, only the trigger moment is shared as a teaching.
You do not know that the individuals who are enlightened and awakened, they are not ordinary people. Enlightenment is only possible if you have a background “spark” or “charge” with which the necessary concrete momentum can make it... explode.
The teaching itself is nothing. Do not worship words, but truth.
You do not understand how they can make someone enlightened, and you are reading and listening and not becoming enlightened.
It’s a question of perception, perspective.
You have to understand the whole context. You must know not only the situation and historical context, but the individuals who are involved. Only then will you see that these are not just simple words. Such individuals already reached a higher point and the teachings were only a little push.
They were already almost ready. It can be said that even without these teachings, they were going to become enlightened sooner or later anyway.
There are blind people who are impressed by the beauty of the mystics and their actions. So, they have picked up things which make no sense or almost no sense because they do not have the capacity to give you the background of what they are saying.
Remember that everything depends upon your previous work. That must include long years of dedication, long years of waiting, long years of silence, discipline and patience, working and meditating. Even so, the real momentum built up from such work comes at the very end.
If you can understand the whole process, that momentum can bring enlightenment to you.
However, if you do not understand how it works, all the sacred teachings will remain just entertainment to you. Whether sacred text, a verse or a story, it’s like the tip of the iceberg. It is just a small piece of what is really underneath. Unless you understand the roots of it, these words will not give you any real insight."
-S.W. Falcifer
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
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