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FALCIFER: Depression
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● Depression:
"Depression...Oh, ancient enemy!
Are you depressed?
How do you know?
Think about that.
So many thought patterns…
Frequent behavior…
based upon a skewed Reality
That it is not real.
Depression can hide itself in so many ways, but always an accomplice will help.
That accomplice is you.
You are always covered with the cloak of alienation, because you know you are special.
You always have the feeling that no one understands you and it’s so hard to find people who really, deeply resonate with you, right?
Everything is trivial and you are more profound.
You look for depth, for real experience.
You look to live your life
You lose motivation due to the ineffectiveness of your actions, due to external, uncontrolled factors, external problems and blockages that have changed your inner world, your mind, your energy, and the direction and natural flow of your life… or perhaps this is the problem:
Has the supposed natural flow been merely created? Have you just become accustomed to following it?
The main causes are simple: They can be subconscious, even genetic, hereditary, and in this case must be properly fought... However, it is usually your conscious mind again. Your mind knows that you’re not being who you are meant to be. The greatness that initially was your faithful companion seems to be more so an enemy than a friend.
There can only be peace if there is no conflict within yourself
You are doing it well
And you are doing it wrong
and this is not what you want.
You feel a strange sensation: that of frustration, of being bound from power, with no tools or options to make a major impact to change the situation. At least, that is what you have come to believe.
These beliefs are just ignorance
which can be pure bliss
and can be a weakness too.
The results are not what you expected and you’re tired of this game, this seemingly never ending cycle. Your true Will is sad and all your guides are crying. Your Wyrd, the true Will of your spirit, is not on the right track and your energy knows it. Your body and your mind do too.
This is a common process for many on this planet, this is a good sign that many people feel lost here, know that in a sick world, freedom is disease, and is persecuted.
The longer you stay in this state, the harder it will be to get out of it, because your brain changes according your disgrace, your heart becomes miserable, your aura becomes weak and broken, your energy becomes corrupted… and even repugnant with enough time.
This can be solved via various methods and it seems that, of the two major solutions, only one is attacking the core of the problem. Both require the will to change, as any internal transfiguration does, plus an extra control and discipline: internal work.
One way, the first one, and it can be a temporary patch -if you have the vampiric essence-
is to cleanse the desire by fulfilling it.
In attaining your ambitions, the hunger will settle down, let you sleep-
at least for a while.
In answer to your question,
do not always dissolve your state of doubt.
Rather, become what you have to become,
or at least what you have thought that you must become.
Grant your wish.
The other way is to cleanse the desire itself-
not the thing or the action,
but rather the desire-
which is what, in an unbalanced manner, is killing you.
Forget the obsession.
Fight fire with fire!
Burn the fire
to ashes!
Transcend your mundane passions.
Understand their trivial meaning,
their irrelevant consequences.
Let it go.
Let it flow.
Drop the weight.
This was often practiced in the past
by ascended individuals around the whole planet.
Perfect enlightenment
Let it go.
Then, do,
and do with all your might,
understanding the trap of the desire
and its duality.
However, if is your Will,
but not due to interest, personal and ephemeral,
but your true Will!
You are here to master and balance both sides of the coin.
The same applies to materialism.
You have to learn to not depend on material things,
to do not need them.
But, obviously,
you have to learn how to use them and enjoy them,
even their accumulation for the proper reasons.
Only then can you use material possessions
without being possessed by them
and avoid another trap related to your reality concerning this.
That is, holding them too close to your heart.
It can ruin your perspective.
It can build the highest walls and boundaries in your mind
and totally block your enlightenment.
Vipassana can help, but I would rather recommend to you
our Magick systems and meditative techniques.
Also, some of these practices, like Vipassana, can be risky when performed alone without guidance.
You are forewarned.
So, let go!
Fucking let go!
Do not cling to empty and perishable things
that are just tools for major things.
It doesn’t matter.
Nothing really matters.
There is always a way.
You will always be able to find a new way.
Release the pain.
Release the suffering
which was chosen by ignorance
by your mundane identity.
Then, start again!
Wherever you are at right now,
Start again, but now clear
of empty meaninglessness.
will finally overcome!"
-S.W. Falcifer
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
© All the materials are copyrighted & All the names are registered trademarks of The Devil´s Temple #TheDevilsTemple #Devilism

I think modern society plays a HUGE role in depression and suicide´s global numbers...