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FALCIFER: Fake It ´Til You Make It
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● Fake It ´Til You Make It:
"Andy Warhol knew the power of acting.
It is one of the basics to achieve a good and strong daemonic possession and I think one of the reasons why role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons were so attacked during the Satanic Panic in the 80's and 90's by extremist Christian groups…
Have you ever tried to: When you don´t feel happy, fake it?
Act happy even if you don´t feel it.
And I don´t mean walking around giggling like a New Age idiot.
jumping up and down, ecstatic.
-I think you understand what I mean-.
At least not acting unhappy.
Not letting space for the negativity to grow inside you.
“Faking it” will rapidly minimize the negativity and will let you think as if you're on a higher and more positive plane –maybe the right place to solve the cause of these negative feelings.
How you act is how you feel.
But, because we live in a very foolish age, the age of feelings, we have it backwards:
People act the way they feel, instead of feeling as a result of the way they act.
This is one of the basics of magick, to achieve results and control the emotions released and related to every magickal operation.
So, we have it completely backwards.
And people think it is a question of expressing their emotions and of avoiding holding negativity inside theselves... and no, it´s not about that!
Even the Matrix´s specialists have done studies where simply people smiling more, not even acting happy in any other way, has affected their own happiness.
Just by changing our thoughts, feelings, emotional reactions, and behaviors we send our cells new signals and they express new proteins without changing the genetic blueprint; so while the DNA code stays the same, once a cell is activated in a new way by new information the cell can create thousands of variations of the same gene.
We can signal our genes to rewrite our future.
So, when people email us desiring a full physical transformation like in the Hollywood movies, such as vampiric transformations, succubic or incubic transformations, etc.
we cannot ensure a full and clear physical transformation in any case or type because:
Our alchemical transformations always begin astrally and energetically first, then mentally: subconscient-conscient-subconscient as a circuit-, and finally impregnating spiritually the true core of our essence accompanied with the soul alchemy.
And if all these processes have been developed seriously by the receiver he or she may start to notice subtle changes in the physical plane or physical body.
Usually connected to the force, libido, psychic powers, magick skills, or subtle physical changes like the color of the eyes and the dilatation of the pupils, the texture and tone of the skin and hair, the density of bones, the growth, the chemistry of the brain, etc…
For these types of transmutations we recommend additional physical actions to boost the whole perception and transformative pack, these actions might have been seen as superficial and mundane but you don’t have any idea how powerful they can be.
For example: during a vampiric transformation, obtaining vampiric fangs from a specialized dentist, dressing according your own vampiric perception and wearing the appropriate complements, performing the vampiric practices, rituals and philosophy, being surrounded by a vampiric circle with individuals with the same projections and expectations, etc.
Another example for succubus transmutation: provoking your own sexualization or hypersexualization, using visual complements and naughty behavior, performing of practical rites involving sexual spirits and sexual patrons/matrons as guides to absorb their energies or simply resonate with them; practicing tantric rites, sex magick, astral projections with the intentions of practice astral sex, etc
These used alone or unconsciously will fool the individual but combined with real energetic and spiritual rites will shape your astral form for real, will change the frequency of your energies and aura, and slowly, if you maintain the desired direction correctly, will end up transmuting your spirit forever.
A meaningless acting method or non-transformative practice may be found in the icons of the fame system.
Every celebrity has the syndrome of the impostor; they have it with every change, every film, every album, every book… and as they get older they just get accustomed to it…
They become more and more used to it and the acting becomes the expected role.
The continuously present acting attracts all what is related to the role and even transforms the perception –internal and external- of the individual.
Some, with enough time, even end up believing they are what they represent; while others just act by feeling that they are “another thing”…
The problem with these “stars” is that their spirit hardly becomes transmuted as they are lacking ritual procedure and divine goals beyond their mundane fantasies…
They, as some practitioners wrongly guided by stupid guides, become transformed just mentally or astrally but not fully…if they really transform anything at all…
The importance of the spiritual work, rituals, meditations, and spiritual contact are key to achieve a real full transmutation.
This is the base of all the Ascension works and meditations. Even the Right Hand Path erudites and saints with their purifications and beatifications, they strive to be transformed spiritually… a true pity that is because they have chosen the path of the dissolution of their final destiny -to be disintegrated into their favorite archons, or if they are lucky, merged with Akasha."
-S.W. Falcifer
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
© All the materials are copyrighted & All the names are registered trademarks of The Devil´s Temple #TheDevilsTemple #Devilism

Mind over Body, as it is claimed by many practioner of any spiritual work. There are a lot of well known signs of stress in the body and it's health, as a simple example of how our state of mind and relationship with our surroundings can little by little change our physycality. A good mental state, one serene and positive, will always help against any malaise and align your body to recovery.
About the problem with celebrities, one obvious curse or hallegory is the one of the Doppelgänger. They're never themselves, but something else (and many elses) and their true identity, the self, dissolutes with each iteration until they can't recognize themselves. They can't live without a mask, as they're nothing but a husk for new identities.