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FALCIFER: Hatred & Betrayal
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● Hatred & Betrayal:
"As I explained many times before, love and hate are the same energy in a different scale of polarity, but they obey the same principles, and the personal emotional reference and attribution to a person, act, object or situation.
Why is there so much hatred in this world?
Is there the same amount of love out there? -and I mean real love.
Everyone has tried to teach you how you must love: your parents, teachers, priests...
Society itself guides you -directly or indirectly- about love and its possibilities.
But, think for a moment: Your parents did not teach you how to hate properly, nor did the school system or any priest.
They might have said things like,"Do not hate" or "Hatred is bad", but, they didn't teach about hatred or how hatred really works, the process of its evolution within and how to deal with it and use it appropriately.
That is the reason why hate remains pure and intact, in its primordial essence, and even more abundant around us. Hate is unadulterated, is natural, spontaneous and sincere.
You can trust that if someone hates you, hates you for real, they are not acting or hating superficially.
Well, tell me, will you trust anyone who says they love you?
Obviously love is corrupted -the concept itself- by thousands of religious teachings, love songs, books and movies, and generational expectations based on hereditary elements.
Such corrupted love is unrealistic, taken for granted as being real by ignorant people, and even by many other extra factors.
Some people have even tried to tell you who you have to love and who not to love, just not how.
When you hate someone, it has a powerful force and usually -at least in modern times- when you say that you love someone, the force is not so strong.
That´s why curses work better than love spells.
Do you remember enemies more than your friends and/or lovers?
Do you think more about your enemies than your lovers and your love?
You will forget about your lovers, but, you won't forget about your worst enemies.
Why is that so?
It is because love has been so manipulated and corseted, and something fake (that is not love) has been sold and finally delivered to you.
And, you have believed it.
You have believed that that’s all there is!
You have received all their lies as facts and reality -an automatic contract.
You play the game -their game- with so many limited paradigms and generational blockages, now adopted by you and your thought system.
And, so you remain unaware that you have an incredible potential of love inside you.
It’s probably not used fully and it probably never will be used fully...
So, when you love it is in an incomplete way.
Put your love under some pressure or test it for real and it will easily disappear.
But when you hate, you hate deeply, from deep inside, and you do so with the fiery passion of all the burning hells, from your guts.
It is not incomplete. It is fucking complete and perfect.
You would be surprised how much authenticity hatred has, and there is a certain beauty in this.
It’s a beauty that is hardly ever found in modern love. I’m talking about purity.
Enlightenment is not about love and it is not about hatred either.
Love is being destroyed by the continuous teaching about love.
That's one of the reasons some people avoid love or are unable to identify themselves in such an emotional state.
It’s because they haven't found their way to love as it is a reflection of other´s love.
So, they have just given up on the whole idea, simply because they do not take interest in the current standardized teachings about love. They do not reflect anything interesting to them.
Love like you hate -and with no hypocrisy.
This has to be understood.
They have been teaching you things like: love your enemy, love your neighbor, love your family, love your country, love our God...
Why have they all been commanding, programming and repeating these strange teachings about what and how we must feel?
Is this not supposed to be something personal, come from the unique and inner emotional perspective of the individual?
They were afraid of your authentic love,
because real love is beyond their control.
You’re fuelled by it
and it's out of their range of control.
Every society wants you to be controlled.
The masses are afraid of your primal aspects,
of the wildness of the truly free individual…
wildness which is natural, healthy and empowering.
So, from your childhood onwards, they start putting limits and drawing imaginary lines here and there.
Forcing useless protocols and traditions, and common uncommon sense, they pave your way, cutting your wings, programming the most dangerous thing inside you, which is the possibility of real true love.
Because, if you’re fuelled by love, you can go even against the whole world."
"Now, betrayal… Is it lack of honor? Is it lack of love?
No, it is precisely because of love: Love for oneself.
Such love is sometimes mis-measured, above others’ -or even your own- goals.
It is a desire of preservation, a love for oneself´s existence, by the way, which is normal and natural for survival, or the simple idea of personal improvement.
So, why does it happen? Are we forced to be lied to constantly, and be betrayed forever because of this fact?
Is betrayal a curse upon humanity and its collective goals?
No. Betrayal happens for two combined reasons:
1. Survival -or egotistical love- for the initial honor. This is natural. It happens naturally in a society programmed like this, in low frequency patterns and Capitalistic dreams.
This behavior is just a natural reaction, from within the inertia of learned behaviors toward "success".
It is of the mentality of the circuit of survivalism that is programmed to stay alive, to grow, to keep and hold, to take, to survive.
and 2. A lack of harmony, alignment, desire and personal interest in the previous agreement.
This is probably because of a changing of the situation and/or a decrease of love for the other part and/or the common goal of the agreement.
In these modern times, everything seems to be an egoistic transaction -even love.
And, people always expect to receive personal pleasure, some kind of value or expectation’s fulfillment.
So, before you add people into your agreements -just to be betrayed afterwards- think twice as to whether they are aligned with you and the relationship’s goals or not.
Are they are in love -or just in survival or hedonistic mode?
Most importantly, think twice as to whether or not you will keep enough constancy in these goals and will be able to maintain your attitude as well.
Check all these factors from time to time, frequently if you can.
Their alignment -or even yours- can change easily, especially if it's attached to mundane aspects. That is, if you are not based in pure love with no expectations, which is true love, above all transactions and offers.
This is one of the reasons why the true personal Will and the Infernal Collective Will must be connected harmoniously.
They work like an unbreakable chain together, formed by individual pieces.
If they’re not aligned in interests and goals, none of the individual pieces will bloom as much as together.
That is the importance of the synergy, the teamwork, and the honor.
It is of sincerity among brothers -without betrayals.
One of the main reasons why most of the human groups or relationships fail is connected to the "divide and conquer" problem and usually involve the individual’s greed.
Believe me, there are a lot of people out there, who -when they see a group like us, having such a big possibility of power- will work day and night to find individual weaknesses of the members, either one by one or by groups within the group.
They do this just to break the unity:
which is powerful…
which is dangerous…
which is adversarial.
Those are just some of the reasons why any human movement -whether it be religious, ideological or political- will never triumph totally in the world like it is right now."
-S.W. Falcifer
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
© All the materials are copyrighted & All the names are registered trademarks of The Devil´s Temple #TheDevilsTemple #Devilism