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FALCIFER: Who Raped The Virgin?
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● Who Raped The Virgin?:
"You shall not covet or copulate with your neighbor's wife... But what about the biblical god?
Or specifically, what about his "holy" spirit?
Did this “holy ghost” not copulate with Joseph ́s wife?
Oh sweet Mary...
And nowhere is it stated that this was a consensual act right?
So, even we can say that the biblical being or spirit raped a virgin;
A young, innocent lady that was happily married.
Believe me, the story did not actually play out this way. But I digress.
The promoted teaching or tolerated “divine” act in the Bible is really outrageous, extravagant and disturbing.
“Blessed be our ‘almighty’ adulterous raper of virgins; We adore you, we worship you".
Come on guys! You must be kidding."
-S.W. Falcifer
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
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