A.V.C. The Vampiric Circle
(A Vampiric Initiatory System Under Satana´s Guidance)
Do You Feel The Call?, Do You Want To Become A Wampyre & Join Our Clan?
For time immemorial, the mundane existence of some humans, those distanced from all things magickal and practical spirituality has kindled appetites for self-deification of some sort or, at the very least, for personal ascension, driven by one motive or another.
This appetite, natural and ingrained deep within certain spirits whose destinies seem at odds with society's preordained path, can consume and thwart the very foundations of the individual. This craving is the initial indicative sign of a dark spiritual yearning, lurking deep within select psyches.
It is unlikely a coincidence, for while not every vampire is born, those who ultimately become one possess the essence of a native and mysterious appetite, the unfathomable origins of which somehow steer their fate on The Path Of The Night, on the journey of the vampire.
In ages past, as the mundane world unfolded, there emerged those whose hearts resonated with the eerie and arcane call of the unknown, whose spirits pulsated to the rhythm of secrets buried beneath the stage of reality. For such individuals, the flames of worldly aspirations often felt weak, their thirst for transcendence unquenched by the ordinary affairs of human existence.
The desire to rise above the mundane, the yearning to explore the realms obscured from sight, these profound desires aren't simply fleeting fancies but rather the first flickerings of the dark spiritual longing. It is an irresistible hunger that defies conventional explanation, an innate craving that gnaws at the deepest recesses of the self.
It's a riddle as old as time itself, yet one woven into the very genesis of the universe: the yearning for the esoteric, the desire to embrace the shadows, and the relentless pull toward a destiny intertwined with the mysteries of the night.
Every vampire's journey commences with this inherent thirst, native and shadowy, hinting at their profound connection with the otherworldly and their inevitable role in the dark dimensions of existence.
So, heed this call, dear seeker, and let the ancient hunger guide you on your path -a path as glorious as the night, as complex as the vampire's unique destiny.
Satania´s Coven Vampiric Transformation Service:
Before purchasing read carefully and understand all the information explained here:
1, Be sure that you accept and understand the information provided here.
2, Before purchasing the T.V.T.S., send us an email so that we can perform a reading on you and your energies.
3, Wait for an email of Acceptance -be patient, it may take some time to receive an answer.
If accepted:
+ Choose your Path -how you will be able to feed:
- Sanguine/Sanguinarian/Blood Feeder.
- Psychic/Pranic/Emotional/Ambiental Energy only.
- Or, Hybrid -both Sanguinarian & Pranic.
+ Choose your Vampire Spirit Companion.
+ Follow further instructions for methods, guidance, etc.
+ Evolve
*Note: The Akasha Wampyr Clan (Akasha House) interacts with Aeshma Sexual Club, for sexual practices. (Feeding on Energy (chi/prana) primarily during sexual activity is a subtype of Psychic Vampirism called “Sexual or Tantric Vampirism”.) And for the Sanguinarian Vampires, they are able to interact with a pool of blood donors thanks to the The Black Swans group.
So, let´s amplify the information about the process:
+ You send us an email with a recent photo and some specific information we will request from you.
+ We perform a reading with our Hierophant in order to ascertain whether or not you are accepted.
+ If you’re accepted, you can order the service: "The Triple Vampiric Transformation” or "T.V.T.S.".
+ We will send you an email asking you for basic information and what characteristics you are looking for in your companion (appearance & others).
+ We start "The Hunting". This is a process wherein we filter spirits until we find the most compatible and safe entity who best suits your desires and needs and whom is willing to sire you. (Sometimes past life spirits or Dark Lords may appear.) This process can take from one week to one month because we don’t merely track down whatever entity is safe and willing. We try to find one who is the “wo/man of your dreams”.

Then, and only then, the actual steps to start transformation and the process for it begin:
· We perform the 1st basic binding with your companion: The Halashn (colloquially referred to as "Mindfuck").
· We send you all the pertinent information for what you need to do on your end: offerings, companion´s description, sigil, video-mantra, etc -All Private- exclusive propietary information + Acess to our Clan-community with groupal information).
· You begin the "The 3 Nights", wherein you perform rites for 3 nights (1 per night) with your new guest (sex, but without orgasm).
· After The 3 Nights, you break the pattern and start to work with the spirit without structures: meditations, tantra, rites... working with different suggested practices.
· The spirit will change and reshape certain factors of your mind, via an energy-containing information process. Firstly, this is worked within the subconscious, via telepathy. Then, new behaviors and cravings will begin to float to the surface of your mind (waking consciousness). You will start to have new kinds of thoughts and ideas. This part of the process is especially useful if you do not have the skills needed to communicate with spirits directly.
· The spirit companion can heal or adapt energetic structures, calibrate chakras, get rid of different parasites, helping to prepare you for the upcoming transmutation and more.
· After your personal binding, connection and interaction with the spirit, we will perform a "Blood
Oath"; or "Blood Binding" when you feel ready. This is the ultimate and final binding which requires 3 more nights of easy rites on your end. This rite of spiritual binding has to be performed when a strong with the Vampiric companion has been established; normally it can take some months of work.
· The vampiric spirit will be slowly injecting his/her vampiric essence (energy) into you, within your system (soul-complex: chakras, aura...). This will change your whole being, including your spiritual essence at the end. Now the transformation process has occurred and your soul-complex and spirit will be disconnected from the reincarnation cycle.

More About Vampire Spiritual Companions & The Process:
Custom Companion:
You will be able to choose details such as hair color, whether your companion is more dark and dominant or more gentle, patient and kind, etc. Keep in mind that during The Hunting we will do our best to find the appropriate and best candidate according to both your needs and the highest degree of compatibility with you. However, sometimes we find the perfect spirit but s/he has one or two aspects that aren’t on your "Must Have" list. The Entity will, however, be the best option for you.
*Note: Our companions are not jealous!: They are not standard "husbands" and "wives". They are Daemonic lovers. They will even find you partners to have sex with, boost your libido, and desires, enjoy the orgies and perversions beside you, and push you toward new fields of pleasure.
Basic Binding: The Halashn:
This binding -the first binding- is a secret, classic and old Traditional Satanist operation. The Vampire Companion roots into you energetically (external aura) -into some of your light bodies, your subconscious and your conscious mind.
You may feel waves of energy (if you’re sensitive to it), while we’re performing this operation or after.
This binding can be removed easily, more or less, and like all our bindings and connection processes, it is safe and very respectful toward the entities who are willing to experience this with you.
Basic Binding Or Halashn: The Most Common Manifestations For "Blind" Practitioners:
Because it is a The Halashn binding, it will be more mental and energetic. However, if you are open enough due to Third Eye / Ajna Chakra activation and have partial sight, it´s possible that you (just you) feel electric-like touches (aura more than body), hear whispers sounding like they are occurring under water, or see orbs or shadows.
Remember that if the entity knows that this will scare you, s/he probably won´t manifest him/herself, or at least not so strongly. Anyway, this will be more from a personal perspective, and the spirit will never do anything that you don´t wish. You are the one who is in control and with time, as the connection grows stronger, your confidence will too.

"This is the main transformation, the alchemy of the spirit and the soul.
Your True Will is in resonance with this. It must be, and it is, like always.
Your hidden passions will bloom, your whole consciousness will emerge.
You have always felt it, but now you are developing it.
Your power and your energy systems are different, like always."
Pranic / Psychic / Energetic / Emotional / Ambient / Sexual / Tantric Vampires:
Your system will be capable of feeding on vital energy (prana / chi / vril), especially those manifested in intense emotions and emotional expressions such as pain, crying, laughter, excitement, wrath, sexual energy, desire, fury, etc.
The more experienced vampires can handle death energy (Grey Energy) and the energies that come from diseases, being able to filter and digest them (without symptoms within themselves). You will be able to specialize in one area, such as sexual energy, or pain and sexual energy together. i.e. BDSM and Sadomasochistic practices and things like that. You can become overly saturated from certain intense energy, such as that which is expressed and manifests when people are intensely arguing when you’re in their presence. So, always control yourself, or you may become a sociopath or psychopath -if you aren´t one already.
Sanguine / Sanguinarian / Sanguinary Vampires: Blood Feeders:
Serious Warning: The sanguine transformation is completely optional, in fact, we don’t recommend this option to the majority of the practitioners, because once it is activated it’s very hard to revert. It’s almost impossible. So, think twice, considering this seriously, whether or not you truly want this option included in your transformation.
Why?: Not only the bloody nightmares your psyche can manifest, or even for the repulsion to the
food or the sensation of eating and never be filled, but for the aggressive behaviors or weaknesses you can develop.
While these problems can be controlled with feeding, meditation and sex, it can be very hard. It can become an extra problem to deal with.
There are also other facts to consider. Willing Donors (Black Swans), or lovers who are willing to
let you drink their blood, they can leave you, break up with you. Life can be so long and without blood you will feel like a junkie without drugs, depressed, apathetic, tired, sleepy, irritated, etc.
Also, there are blood-borne diseases that you can contract via drinking blood here and there, without tests and safety. A Donor Contract is recommended as well as hard copy evidence of recent blood test results.
Most importantly, there is a risk that you will turn yourself into someone who harm others to obtain your blood. This is something that we do not support, and it may cause you a lot of legal problems besides.
("Pain’s emotional energy" mixed with consumption of warm blood (Prana / Chi in high doses), can become highly addictive, drive you to violence to fulfill your cravings, etc.)
Keep in mind that you can always ask for a Bloodlust or Sanguine Activation later, when you have more experience and personal control, after mastering the pranic and psychic aspects. (See service below:)
The 2nd & Final Binding: The Blood Oath or The Blood Binding:
This rite is the second, and final binding, the deepest connection possible between the practitioner and the vampiric companion. It, can empower manifestations, telepathy, callings, visions, etc. It is more rooted, in the most dense physical light bodies, penetrating the physical body, chakras, and Kundalini.
This rite can be performed for non-vampire practitioners as well, just as the ultimate binding to their favorite companions.
It is recommended that prior performing this rite, that you only do so after you have developed a strong relationship for a minimum (but intense) period of one month and you feel a great connection with the spirit. i.e. not just lust, but emotions like love or at least a genuine strong alliance.
The Blood Binding. (See service below:)
With this rite you will link yourself with your spirit companion in the most powerful way, forever!
This is the mystical rite of total communion between spirits in the same body. It is by the power of the blood connection.
It is irreversible.
Obviously, before performing this strong binding, we will read the energies and consult to determine if the entity is willing to engage in this with you. Then, we will arrange the connection with a single ritual on our part, followed by the provision of 3 simple rituals that you, as the recipient, must perform. These rituals are meant to confirm and strengthen our operation, the magickal connection, and the influence of all of this.
This additional rite (The Blood Oath) is included in "The Triple Vampiric Transformation” cost.

The Triple Vampiric Transformation is a triple pack because includes:
· Companion Search + Linking.
· Spiritual Alchemy: Transformation / Infusion (Normal or Double), and finally:
· Blood Oath
· As a member of our clan you will be able to access some hidden sections, information, and practices.
· As a member of our clan you will be able to access the Clan´s community.
· As a member of our clan you will receive a personal document with your spirits seal, enn and description.
· As a member of our clan you will receive a personal and private video-mantra with your spirits seal and enn .

Other Consequences To Becoming Vampiric:
We know that this may sound harsh, but as a Vampire, and until your deification, the best practice is to always work in groups in the Astral Planes, or at least with your companion/s. If you’re in danger there are hidden codes to contact the clan or superior powers for protection. When your vessel dies, tipically you won’t be able to access "higher dimensions" considered as "Heaven/s" or "Higher Heavens". However, your spirit and will be able to interact within this plane, the immediate lower and higher planes, The Void, Abyss, Hell Realms, and the Astral Plane. When your vessel dies, you will not be able to reincarnate anymore -breaking the karmic cycle. So, you will recall your past lives, but your current "ego" and mind will be the last and most dominant. You need to work on it before the time arrives. When your vessel dies, if you ascend as a vampire, one of the things that you will be able to do is to possess bodies as a "Walk In". Some of the things we work on are energy (including emotion, sexual, laughter, pain, etc.), feeding, astral projection, shape shifting in the astral, sexual visitations (as an Incubus/Succubus/Vampire).
The Biccubus final rite of the A.S.C. and all its practices are not only compatible but recommended. (Or a full Daemonic development as Devilist and/or "Black Angel" in best cases).
Basic Rules (For Neophytes):
· Respect (as “one” with us): Respect your brother and sister vampires and try to help them if you are in a position to help them and if it won’t cause you any harm. They are family, a part of you. If someone doesn’t know something, and it’s his/her time to know, teach them. Lift them up. Respect them. Honor them.
· Grow & Evolve: You have the obligation to grow, to improve, and to never stop doing so. Every victory will make the whole clan more powerful and stronger, so keep improving your skills, your Magick, and your discipline.
· Loyalty: Do not join other clans. Do not break the oath. Do not betray your brothers and sisters. You must have and keep Loyalty to the clan, to our house, and to our Hierophant.
· Beware Of Others: Don´t trust others easily, Do not follow other peoples’s operations easily, without questioning. As a vampire, there are dangers. You attract vampiric energy and entities, so, beware of ignorance, beware of agendas against us, against you. You are warned.
· Secrecy: Secrecy is power, Beware again.
· Respect The Hierarchy & Methods: Know the difference between method, tradition and dogma, as some people are so blind that they don’t know the difference between a working system and a bunch of superstitions.
Private Clan´s Members Area (Akashians) - Circle Just For Vampires Of The Clan:
Become A God

· Here are some links related to this topic to help you to understand:

I fell like I should confess in order to start my journey Ive been haveing sexual visions an desires befor evnien. seeing my first porn. Ive been sepressing my strong bi sexual enegry for years. Wihich causes me hied and sneek away. Most of that time was spent, in the wood and or parks pleasing men. My attraction to white dom daddy men was the way they made me feel and treated me, like a girl.
Fast foward to about 5 years ago. A help of a friend had introduce me to a drug, that litterly my eyes and mind. Then hearing my true self say. "Its time to be liberated and the time to be ashamed will be no more. True, Self, Feel Good, Purpose.
I want to be a woman more than ever! Ive experiment before but, nothing like this.
So, my ask from the community. I am looking to connect with mentors, supporters am help guild me as I walk down my path back to Babalon in the beautiful garen of Eden. Transformed into my true body form.
Thank you for your thoughts an prayers in advance as well as, allowing me to confess and share.
Hail Satain
Hail Belian
Hail Lilith
Hail Adamous