▲ Because not everything is rainbows and flowers, our inboxes receive messages of pure love and affection from the "saints" of the Right Hand Path at least weekly. They preach with purity and clarity the true path, inviting us to dilute our dirty spirits within the embrace of their divine infinite love. Enjoy! 😊

Fear. Their words smell like Fear as the one they call "Lord Allmighty" is just the God of Fear and Suffering. His Light, so attuned they're to it, is the Light of the Blind as they need it, to be blinded to above all, themselves. They're scared to the true potential of their souls and the empowering force of their Dark Within. So, blinded and scared, doesen't want anyone to experience it, to feel the golden embrace of the Light Bringer. Hopeless they're, binded to their Martyr Master. Because what is "christiandom" but the faith of Guilt, of penace and the disolution of Yourself. "Be Free of your Ego" as budhism (copied by John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazaret) implicitly says. They want us Lost and weak, weak to be dependant of a beign who can't and must not be understanded, as the "Ways of the Lord are Inscrutable". Chained to the rock, eviservated by an eagle, thats want they want for us. But beware to, even as a loyal servant of the Right Hand, be nothing but a subserviant maggot. They burned Jeanne D'Arc because of it, because she was more close to divinity than anyone else and if there is something else than Fear and Pain as their doctrine, is Envy. And they're envious of anyone who tries to be nothing but a slave. We will not be Fuel for their Mendax Machina, for the White Wheel.