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Welcome Sinners!
▼ This section is dedicated to the works, gnosis, studies, magick, practices and basic knowledge with Asmodeus for His Tantric Path of The Flesh, here specifically we will treat The Horak system, the Regg and Their Xenekas and/or Xenexas.
Some sections are only accesible by A.S.C. members or exclusive members of a specific Horak. Enjoy.
▲ Important Note:+18: We respect the legal “Age of Majority”, according to local laws and regulations.The Age of Majority varies from region to region and even from country to country.The most common, however, is age 18+. Therefore, we wont accept candidates under the age of 18 years of age under any circumstances and without exception.
Basic Knowledge
▼ Here are the basic and brief glossary of terms for the uncommon words -for the Neophyte- used here.
Click the question to open an article with an extended answer, meaning and information.
▲ What is a Horak? Polygamous Devilist Romantic Circle where the Regg or Regga is the leader of a group of partners (Xenekas and/or Xenexas).
▲ What is a Regg? Biological Masculine Body & Masculine Dominant Predominant Energy Spirit.
▲ What is a Regga? Biological Feminine Body & Masculine Dominant Predominant Energy Spirit.
▲ What is a Xeneka? Biological Female Body & Feminine Submissive Predominant Energy Spirit.
▲ What is a Xenexa? Biological Masculine Body (or in transition) & Feminine Submissive Predominant Energy Spirit.
▲ Who are The Black Angels?
▲ What is Aeshma Sexual Club?
· To ask your questions about The Horak Nexion send us an email.
· To read our answers to your questions about The Horak check the F.A.Q. below.
· If you´re interested into become a Regg or a Xenexa send us an email.
About The Devilist Masters (Regg)
▼ This section is dedicated to the Devilist Masters or "Regg" (daemonic tongue) who are accepting candidates to walk together their path and personal vital circle.
The Regg has the obligation to lead, assist, help, satisfy, cover sexually and intelectually the Xeneka/s and/or Xenexa/s, and to provide security, comfort, basic needs and more. He´s a sort of "Sugar Daddy" but here, for a true Horak, real emotions for both parts are a must.
The Regg also has the obligation to guide magickaly according to the path of Devilism, specifically focused on The Path Of The Flesh and work with its knowledge, guided practices, spirits and powers.
The Regg can have multiple partners (Xeneka/s and/or Xenexa/s), and these partners (Xeneka/s and/or Xenexa/s) can interact emotionally and sexually between them, but never out of the circle (Horak) -unless a special sexual mission or gift is decided and provided by the Regg.
The candidates (Xeneka/s and/or Xenexa/s), usually submissive,"pets", girlfriends or "toys" -chosing their prefered role-, -"Xeneka/s - Xenexa/s" (daemonic tongue)- are replicating the old religious teachings of the "Horak" (daemonic tongue for multiple marriage circle system or Harem); traditions or ancient cultures like the Islam, Hindu or the Viking -just to mention some- are or were known practitioners of it. Now, this ancient system is rescued and re-incorporated by Master Falcifer & His Black Angels acting as a lightbearer lighting the path with His own example allowing any adept with pure heart who is willing and capable to follow this beautiful system.
The Xeneka/s and/or Xenexa/s will help to accomplish the Regg´s mission/s, targeting His personal Daemonic Will (Wyrd) and their position in the collective movement,
as it will harmoniously connect with the Horak Collective Will, and the Infernal Faction Collective Will, as a puzzle of synergic interests.
The Xeneka/s and/or Xenexa/s will provide pleasure, interest and assistance to their Regg, specially loyalty and respect, loyalty and respect above love, and then comfort, understanding, support, motivation, feminine insight, love and sex.
The Regg must demonstrate that they are high quality adepts, they are usually classified as Alpha or Sigma individuals, and that they can take care and provide for all their Xeneka/s and/or Xenexa/s. Usually the Regg are from middle to high ranked practitioners who are capable of this type of relationships. They have advanced knowledge of the Devilist doctrine and they have attained a middle to high rank in the mundane world, financially speaking. Keep in mind that someone who is not able to provide for himself, love himself, push himself forward and have direction to lead won´t be able to provide, cover emotionally more than one or lead the Horak correctly.
Every Horak is unique and has their specific preferences, rules and practices, so it is very recommended to understand the Regg´s direction and The Horak before joining any.
According to some primal aspects recorded in our Human DNA (body/vehicle/vessel) this is one of the more stimulanting, honest and better ways of establishing a "romantic" long-term interaction. (*Read our articles & watch our videos about the subject).
It is important to mention that The Horak System is not the only system suggested for Devilist relationships and interactions -romantic or sexual-, therefore Devilism promotes multiple formats and the Devilist can choose whichever fits more accordingly to his/her Will. (*Read our articles & watch our videos about the subject).
Below we present some of our available Regg candidates.
*Note: If you want to become a Regg contact us; if you are interested in any candidate, and you want to know more about Him to become His possible Xeneka or Xenexa send us an email.


Check out our: Official Youtube Channels!
The Devil´s Temple´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Satania´s Coven Official Youtube Channel:
The Black Angel´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Aeshma LHP Sexual Club´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Akasha House - Vampyr Clan´s Official Youtube Channel:

Honor Your Horak
The Devil´s Temple

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